Syntax Mapping

Porting Episode to Tales

There is quite a bit of functionality that Tales supports that is not found on Episode. In this guide we’ll focus on how to port Episode syntax to Tales. For a more comprehensive dive on what features Tales has to offer, please reference the various Scripting guides in the top menu, starting with the Episode Immigrants Guide.

CommandEpisode ExampleTales Example
The chicken crossed the road
The chicken crossed the road
Stop thief!
Stop thief!
Text SubstitutionCome with me, [FIRSTNAME]!Come with me, {FIRSTNAME}!
Text Input
(Not yet supported, you
can do our example
for now)
input What's your first name? |What's your first
name?|Done (FIRSTNAME)
What's my first name?
* Anna.
     [set: FIRSTNAME "Anna"]
* Bobby.
     [set: FIRSTNAME "Bobby"]
Stage Directions ()
DIM 60 with effect LIGHT SNOW
Enter@ANNA enters from stage left.
@ANNA enters from stage left AND BOBBY enters
from right to spot 1.361 225
(enter: ANNA)
(enter: ANNA, enter: BOBBY)
Exit@ANNA exits left
@ANNA exits left in 2 AND BOBBY
(exit: ANNA)
(exit: ANNA, exit: BOBBY)
(Full List)
ANNA (talk_flirt_charming)
Well, how you doin'?

(Hm, I'm thinking quite hard.)
Well, how you doin'?


Hm, I'm thinking quite hard.
What choice to take?
"Punch him in the face" {
I punched him in the face
"Let it go" {
I decided to let it go
What choice to take?
* Punch him in the face.
     I punched him in the face.
* Let it go.
     I decided to let it go.
Musicmusic music_mischief(fx: sfx_suspense_theme -on)
(fx: sfx_suspense_theme -off)
SFXsound scream_female(fx: sfx_girl_scream)
Transistions@transition fade out black in 1.0(fx: vfx_fade_black_transition -queue)
Beats@pause for a beat(fx: vfx_beat -queue)
NoticereaderMessage Anna is a love interest in this story.
Anna is a love interest in this story.
BoldDon't you | bold |dare| reset |come near me again!Don't you <b>dare</b> come near me again!
ItalicDon't you | italic |dare| reset |come near me again!Don't you <i>dare</i> come near me again!
ColorDon't you | color:red |dare| -colored | come near me again!Don't you <color="red">dare</color>come near me again!
UnderlineDon't you | underline |dare| reset |come near me again!Don't you <u>dare</u>> come near me again!
StrikethroughDon't you | strikethrough |dare| reset |come near me again!Don't you <s>dare</s> come near me again!
Logic / Inventory [ ]
Relationship PointsBOBBY +1
[give: BOBBY]
[give: BOBBY 5]
Gaingain magic_dust[give: MAGIC_DUST]
Costume@ANNA changes into ROYAL[set: ANNA.look.current ANNA.look.royal]
Premium Choicechoice
<PREMIUM> "Slap her!" {
You slapped her!
* [premium: choice_slap][cost: $gem 10] Slap her!
  You slapped her!
If / Elseif (BOYFRIEND is "Bobby"){
goto kiss_bobby
goto no_boyfriend
* [if: BOYFRIEND = "Bobby"] -> kiss_bobby
* [else] -> no_boyfriend
Jumpsgoto label kiss_bobby-> kiss_bobby
Labelslabel kiss_bobby:kiss_bobby

Syntax Mapping

Scripting Comparison

Let’s look at a real world example. On the left you’ll see a script on Episode before it was ported to the Tales format on the right.

Episode (10k lines)

@zoom on 151 0 to 103% in 0

music music_serioustechno
volume music 0 0
volume music 50 0

@transition fade in black 1

@pause for 3

@transition fade out black 1


@speechbubble reset

@pause for a beat

| bold , italic , highlight:lightpink |This story uses sound so turn up your volume!

@pause for a beat

@transition fade out black 1

Before you start the story...

label gender_preference

Who do you want to date?
"Guys." {

You chose | bold |guys| no-space , reset |. Is that correct?
"Yes." {
gain mc_straight
} "No." {
goto gender_preference

} "Girls." {
You chose | bold |girls| no-space , reset |. Is that correct?
"Yes." {
gain mc_gay
} "No." {
goto gender_preference

} "Guys and girls." {
You chose | bold |guys and girls| no-space , reset |. Is that correct?
"Yes." {
gain mc_bi
} "No." {
goto gender_preference

Okay, your preference has been set.

Now onto the story...

@YOU becomes female profile

@YOU changes into You Intro

volume music 0 1000

@transition fade out black 1


music music_fashionedge
volume music 0 0
volume music 50 0

@zoom reset

&pan to zone 2 in 10

@transition fade in black 1

@pause for 0.5

I know this city doesn't | bold , italic |actually| reset | belong to me...

@pause for 0.5

...but it used to feel that way.

@transition fade out white 0.5


&overlay 5212666301906944_FIRST CLASS SEAT shifts to 80 164 in zone 3
&overlay 5212666301906944_FIRST CLASS SEAT scales to 1.000 1.000

@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 960 531 to 204% in 0

@YOU spot 0.830 263 368 in zone 3 at layer 1 and YOU faces left and YOU starts idle_sit_anklescrossed_neutral_loop

@transition fade in white 0.5

@pause for a beat

label name_input

input What's your name?|What's your name?|Done(NAME)

if (NAME is "") {

goto name_input
@pause for 0.5

label surname_input

input What's your surname?|What's your surname?|Done(SURNAME)

if (SURNAME is "") {

goto surname_input

label female_custom_1

What do you look like?

"Skin Tone" {
goto fem_skin_1
} "Hair" {
goto fem_hair_1
} "Eyes" {
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Eyebrows" {
goto fem_brows_1
} "Face" {
goto fem_face_1
} "Nose" {
goto fem_nose_1
} "Lips" {
goto fem_mouth_1
} "This is perfect!" {
goto female_1_end

####################### SKIN COLOR #######################

label fem_skin_1

All skin tones.

"Neutral Shades" {
goto fem_neutralskin_1
} "Rose Shades" {
goto fem_roseskin_1
} "Gold Shades" {
goto fem_goldskin_1
} "Copper Shades" {
goto fem_copperskin_1
} "Ash Shades" {
goto fem_ashskin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1

label fem_neutralskin_1

Neutral skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Neutral 00" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Neutral 00
goto fem_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 01" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Neutral 01
goto fem_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 02" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Neutral 02
goto fem_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 03" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Neutral 03
goto fem_neutralskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Neutral 04" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Neutral 04
goto fem_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 05" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Neutral 05
goto fem_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 06" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Neutral 06
goto fem_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 07" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Neutral 07
goto fem_neutralskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Neutral 08" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Neutral 08
goto fem_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 09" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Neutral 09
goto fem_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 10" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Neutral 10
goto fem_neutralskin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1

label fem_roseskin_1

Rose skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Rose 00" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Rose 00
goto fem_roseskin_1
} "Rose 01" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Rose 01
goto fem_roseskin_1
} "Rose 02" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Rose 02
goto fem_roseskin_1
} "Rose 03" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Rose 03
goto fem_roseskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Rose 04" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Rose 04
goto fem_roseskin_1
} "Rose 05" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Rose 05
goto fem_roseskin_1
} "Rose 06" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Rose 06
goto fem_roseskin_1
} "Rose 07" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Rose 07
goto fem_roseskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Rose 08" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Rose 08
goto fem_roseskin_1
} "Rose 09" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Rose 09
goto fem_roseskin_1
} "Rose 10" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Rose 10
goto fem_roseskin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1

label fem_goldskin_1

Gold skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Gold 00" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Gold 00
goto fem_goldskin_1
} "Gold 01" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Gold 01
goto fem_goldskin_1
} "Gold 02" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Gold 02
goto fem_goldskin_1
} "Gold 03" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Gold 03
goto fem_goldskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Gold 04" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Gold 04
goto fem_goldskin_1
} "Gold 05" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Gold 05
goto fem_goldskin_1
} "Gold 06" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Gold 06
goto fem_goldskin_1
} "Gold 07" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Gold 07
goto fem_goldskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Gold 08" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Gold 08
goto fem_goldskin_1
} "Gold 09" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Gold 09
goto fem_goldskin_1
} "Gold 10" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Gold 10
goto fem_goldskin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1

label fem_copperskin_1

Copper skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Copper 00" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Copper 00
goto fem_copperskin_1
} "Copper 01" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Copper 01
goto fem_copperskin_1
} "Copper 02" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Copper 02
goto fem_copperskin_1
} "Copper 03" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Copper 03
goto fem_copperskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Copper 04" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Copper 04
goto fem_copperskin_1
} "Copper 05" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Copper 05
goto fem_copperskin_1
} "Copper 06" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Copper 06
goto fem_copperskin_1
} "Copper 07" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Copper 07
goto fem_copperskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Copper 08" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Copper 08
goto fem_copperskin_1
} "Copper 09" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Copper 09
goto fem_copperskin_1
} "Copper 10" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Copper 10
goto fem_copperskin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1

label fem_ashskin_1

Ash skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Ash 00" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Ash 00
goto fem_ashskin_1
} "Ash 01" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Ash 01
goto fem_ashskin_1
} "Ash 02" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Ash 02
goto fem_ashskin_1
} "Ash 03" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Ash 03
goto fem_ashskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Ash 04" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Ash 04
goto fem_ashskin_1
} "Ash 05" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Ash 05
goto fem_ashskin_1
} "Ash 06" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Ash 06
goto fem_ashskin_1
} "Ash 07" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Ash 07
goto fem_ashskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Ash 08" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Ash 08
goto fem_ashskin_1
} "Ash 09" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Ash 09
goto fem_ashskin_1
} "Ash 10" {
@YOU changes bodyColor into Ash 10
goto fem_ashskin_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_1

####################### EYEBROWS #######################

label fem_brows_1

Eyebrow shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Arched Natural"{
@YOU changes eyebrows into Arched Natural
goto fem_brows_1
}"Arched Thick"{
@YOU changes eyebrows into Arched Thick Styled
goto fem_brows_1
}"Arched Thin"{
@YOU changes eyebrows into Arched Thin
goto fem_brows_1
}"Arched Thin High"{
@YOU changes eyebrows into Arched Thin High
goto fem_brows_1
} "Change Color" {
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1
"Round Medium"{
@YOU changes eyebrows into Round Medium
goto fem_brows_1
}"Round Thick"{
@YOU changes eyebrows into Round Thick
goto fem_brows_1
}"Round Thin High"{
@YOU changes eyebrows into Round Thin High
goto fem_brows_1
}"Straight Medium"{
@YOU changes eyebrows into Straight Medium
goto fem_brows_1
} "Change Color" {
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1
"Arched Natural Scar"{
@YOU changes eyebrows into Arched Natural Scar
goto fem_brows_1
}"High Arch Angled"{
@YOU changes eyebrows into High Arch Angled
goto fem_brows_1
}"Arched Short"{
@YOU changes eyebrows into Arched Short
goto fem_brows_1
}"Bushy Thick"{
@YOU changes eyebrows into Bushy Thick
goto fem_brows_1
} "Change Color" {
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1

####################### EYEBROW COLOR #######################

label fem_browscolor_1

Eyebrow colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Dirty Blonde" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Dirty Blonde
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Honey Blonde" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Honey Blonde
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Platinum Blonde" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Platinum Blonde
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Strawberry Blonde" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Strawberry Blonde
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Blonde Medium" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Blonde Medium
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Chestnut Brown" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Chestnut Brown
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Dark Brown" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Dark Brown
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Deep Brown" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Deep Brown
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Light Brown" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Light Brown
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Dark Black" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Black Dark
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Jet Black" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into blackJet
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Light Pink" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Pink Lt
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Lavender" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Purple Lilac
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Mint" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Green Mint
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Ginger Red" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Ginger Red
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Copper Red" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Copper Red
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Gray" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into Gray
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "White" {
@YOU changes eyebrowsColor into White
goto fem_browscolor_1
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1

####################### FACE SHAPE #######################

label fem_face_1

Face shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Diamond" {
@YOU changes face into Diamond
goto fem_face_1
} "Long Diamond" {
@YOU changes face into Diamond Long
goto fem_face_1
} "Defined Diamond" {
@YOU changes face into Diamond Defined Contour
goto fem_face_1
} "Defined Heart" {
@YOU changes face into Heart Defined
goto fem_face_1
} "Defined Squared" {
@YOU changes face into Square Defined
goto fem_face_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1
"Soft Heart" {
@YOU changes face into Heart Soft
goto fem_face_1
} "Defined Triangle" {
@YOU changes face into Triangle Defined
goto fem_face_1
} "Mature Square" {
@YOU changes face into Square Mature
goto fem_face_1
} "Mature Heart" {
@YOU changes face into Heart Mature
goto fem_face_1
} "Soft Round" {
@YOU changes face into Round Soft
goto fem_face_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1
"Double Chin" {
@YOU changes face into Heart Mature Double Chin
goto fem_face_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1
"Round Puffy" {
@YOU changes face into Round Puffy Cheek
goto fem_face_1

####################### EYE SHAPE #######################

label fem_eyes_1

Eye shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Round Wide" {
@YOU changes eyes into Round Downturned Wide
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Round Medium" {
@YOU changes eyes into Round Medium
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Sharp Almond" {
@YOU changes eyes into Sharp Almond
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Generic" {
@YOU changes eyes into Female Generic
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Change Color"{
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1
"Deepset Downturned" {
@YOU changes eyes into Deepset Downturned
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Deepset Wide" {
@YOU changes eyes into Deepset Upturned Wide
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Deepset Almond" {
@YOU changes eyes into Deepset Almond
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Monolid Defined" {
@YOU changes eyes into Monolid Defined
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Change Color"{
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1
"Monolid Slender" {
@YOU changes eyes into Monolid Slender
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Angular Slender" {
@YOU changes eyes into Angular Slender
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Almond Slender" {
@YOU changes eyes into Hooded Slender Almond
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Almond Slender Eyeliner" {
@YOU changes eyes into Hooded Slender Almond Eyeliner
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Change Color"{
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1
"Deepset Mature" {
@YOU changes eyes into Deepset Mature
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Deepset Smokey Eye" {
@YOU changes eyes into Deep Set False Lashes Smokey Eye
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Change Color"{
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1

####################### EYE COLOR #######################

label fem_eyecolor_1

Eye colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Black" {
@YOU changes eyesColor into Brown Black
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Dark Brown" {
@YOU changes eyesColor into Brown Dark
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Light Brown" {
@YOU changes eyesColor into Brown Light
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Pale Brown" {
@YOU changes eyesColor into Brown Pale
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Eye Shapes" {
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1
"Ice Blue" {
@YOU changes eyesColor into Ice Blue
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Aqua Blue" {
@YOU changes eyesColor into Blue Aqua
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Deep Blue" {
@YOU changes eyesColor into Blue Deep
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Blue Green" {
@YOU changes eyesColor into Blue Green
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Eye Shapes" {
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1
"Silver" {
@YOU changes eyesColor into Grey Cool
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Green" {
@YOU changes eyesColor into Green Emerald
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Hazel" {
@YOU changes eyesColor into Hazel
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Dark Hazel" {
@YOU changes eyesColor into Hazel Dark
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Eye Shapes" {
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1
"Red" {
@YOU changes eyesColor into Red
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Violet" {
@YOU changes eyesColor into Violet
goto fem_eyecolor_1
} "Eye Shapes" {
goto fem_eyes_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1

####################### MOUTH SHAPE #######################

label fem_mouth_1

Lip shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Full Heart" {
@YOU changes mouth into Full Heart Pouty
goto fem_mouth_1
}"Full Round" {
@YOU changes mouth into Full Round Pouty
goto fem_mouth_1
}"Medium Heart" {
@YOU changes mouth into Medium Heart Natural
goto fem_mouth_1
}"Medium Thin" {
@YOU changes mouth into Medium Thin
goto fem_mouth_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1
"Thin Heart" {
@YOU changes mouth into Thin Heart
goto fem_mouth_1
}"Small Heart" {
@YOU changes mouth into Small Heart
goto fem_mouth_1
}"Flat Round" {
@YOU changes mouth into Full Round Flat Top Skin
goto fem_mouth_1
}"Medium Downturned" {
@YOU changes mouth into Medium Downturned Pout
goto fem_mouth_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1
"Full Flat Top" {
@YOU changes mouth into Full Flat Top Pouty
goto fem_mouth_1
}"Full Wide" {
@YOU changes mouth into Full Wide
goto fem_mouth_1
}"Heart Shaped" {
@YOU changes mouth into Heart Shaped Pout
goto fem_mouth_1
}"Heart with Braces" {
@YOU changes mouth into Heart Shaped Pout Braces
goto fem_mouth_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1

####################### MOUTH COLOR #######################

label fem_mouthcolor_1

All lip colors.

"Natural" {
goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Gloss" {
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Matte" {
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
} "Lip Shapes" {
goto fem_mouth_1

label fem_NaturalColors_1

Natural lip colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Fair Rose" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Fair Rose Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Fair Neutral" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Fair Neutral Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Fair Gold" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Fair Gold Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Beige Light Gold" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Beige Light Gold Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Beige Gold" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Beige Gold Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Beige Rose" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Beige Rose
goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Beige Deep Neutral" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Beige Deep Neutral
goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Tan Deep Gold" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Gold
goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Tan Deep Neutral" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Neutral
goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Brown Neutral" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Brown Neutral
goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Brown Gold" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Brown Gold
goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Brown Deep Gold" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Gold
goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Brown Deep Rose" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Rose
goto fem_NaturalColors_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1

label fem_GlossColors_1

Gloss lipstick colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Peach" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Peach Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Light Peach" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Lt Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Beige Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Medium Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Warm Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Hot Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Deep Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Pink Peach" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Medium Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Neutral Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Neutral Medium Nude Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Light Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Light Nude Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Medium Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Medium Nude Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Dark Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Dark Nude Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Rose" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Mauve" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Mauve Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Pastel Purple" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Deep Purple" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Purple Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Red" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Red Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Deep Red" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Red Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Plum" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Plum Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Violet" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Violet Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Blood Orange" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Blood Orange Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Red Garnet" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Red Garnet Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Blackberry" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Blackberry Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Pink Cashmere" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Cashmere Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Ash Deep" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Ash Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Dark Mauve" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Dark Mauve Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Dark Amethyst" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Dark Amethyst Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Royal Blue" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Royal Blue Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Dark Apricot" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Dark Apricot Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Copper Deep" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Copper Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Gold Deep" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Gold Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Black" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Black Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1

label fem_MatteColors_1

Matte lipstick colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Peach" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Peach Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Light Peach" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Light Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Beige Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Medium Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Warm Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Hot Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Deep Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Pink Peach" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Medium Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Neutral Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Neutral Medium Nude Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Light Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Light Nude Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Medium Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Medium Nude Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Dark Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Dark Nude Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Rose" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Mauve" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Mauve Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Pastel Purple" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Deep Purple" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Purple Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Red" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Red Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Deep Red" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Red Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Plum" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Plum Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Violet" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Violet Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Blood Orange" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Blood Orange Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Red Garnet" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Red Garnet Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Blackberry" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Blackberry Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Pink Cashmere" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Cashmere Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Ash Deep" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Ash Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Dark Mauve" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Dark Mauve Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Dark Amethyst" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Dark Amethyst Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Royal Blue" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Royal Blue Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Dark Apricot" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Dark Apricot Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Copper Deep" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Copper Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Gold Deep" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Gold Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Black" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Black Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_1

####################### NOSE SHAPE #######################

label fem_nose_1

Nose shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Defined Natural" {
@YOU changes nose into Defined Natural
goto fem_nose_1
} "Grecian Soft" {
@YOU changes nose into Grecian Soft
goto fem_nose_1
} "Round Broad" {
@YOU changes nose into Round Broad
goto fem_nose_1
} "Round Button" {
@YOU changes nose into Round Button
goto fem_nose_1
} "Round Button Upturned" {
@YOU changes nose into Round Button Upturned
goto fem_nose_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1
"Round Downturned" {
@YOU changes nose into Round Downturned
goto fem_nose_1
} "Round Flared Upturned" {
@YOU changes nose into Round Flared Upturned
goto fem_nose_1
} "Round Flared Downturned" {
@YOU changes nose into Round Flared Downturned
goto fem_nose_1
} "Pointed Downturned" {
@YOU changes nose into Pointed Downturned
goto fem_nose_1
} "Broad Wide" {
@YOU changes nose into Broad Wide
goto fem_nose_1
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_1

####################### HAIR STYLE #######################

label fem_hair_1

All hairstyles.

"Short Hair"{
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Mid-length Hair"{
goto fem_hairMedium_1
}"Long Hair"{
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Styled Hair"{
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
goto female_custom_1

label fem_hairShort_1

Short hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Afro" {
@YOU changes hair into Afro
goto fem_hairShort_1
} "Short Afro" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Afro
goto fem_hairShort_1
} "Classic Bob" {
@YOU changes hair into Classic Bob
goto fem_hairShort_1
} "Curly Bob" {
@YOU changes hair into Curly Bob
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Faux Hawk" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Faux Hawk Solid
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Fade" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Curly Fade
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Pixie" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Pixie
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Punk Pixie" {
@YOU changes hair into Punk Pixie
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Short Wavy" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Wavy Hair Solid
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Blunt Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Blunt Bangs Short
goto fem_hairShort_1
} "Wavy Side Shaved" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Wavy Side Shave
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Curly Blow Out" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Curly Blow Out
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Crew Cut" {
@YOU changes hair into Crew Cut
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Short Fringe" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Layered Fringe
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Straight Tucked" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Straight Tucked
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Emo Pixie" {
@YOU changes hair into Emo Pixie
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Bantu Knots" {
@YOU changes hair into Bantu Knots
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Conservative Cut" {
@YOU changes hair into Conservative Cut
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Parted Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Bang Short Hair
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Side Part Curly" {
@YOU changes hair into Side Part Curly Asymmetrical
goto fem_hairShort_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1

label fem_hairMedium_1

Medium hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Braided" {
@YOU changes hair into Medium Braided
goto fem_hairMedium_1
}"Medium Dreadlocks" {
@YOU changes hair into Medium Dreadlocks
goto fem_hairMedium_1
}"Hair Flip" {
@YOU changes hair into Hair Flip
goto fem_hairMedium_1
}"Straight" {
@YOU changes hair into Straight Medium
goto fem_hairMedium_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Lob Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Lob Bangs Blunt
goto fem_hairMedium_1
}"Overgrown Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Medium Straight Overgrown Bangs
goto fem_hairMedium_1
}"Wavy Ombre" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Wavy Ombre
goto fem_hairMedium_1
}"Medium Curly" {
@YOU changes hair into Medium Curly Solid
goto fem_hairMedium_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Voluminous Curls" {
@YOU changes hair into Voluminous Curls
goto fem_hairMedium_1
} "Parted Wavy" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Wavy Asymmetrical
goto fem_hairMedium_1
} "Wavy Side Curls" {
@YOU changes hair into Wavy Side Curls
goto fem_hairMedium_1
} "Layered Wavy Bob" {
@YOU changes hair into Layered Wavy Bob
goto fem_hairMedium_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Straight Down" {
@YOU changes hair into Medium Straight Down
goto fem_hairMedium_1
} "Shoulder Curly" {
@YOU changes hair into Medium Shoulder Curly
goto fem_hairMedium_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1

label fem_hairLong_1

Long hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Beach Wave" {
@YOU changes hair into Beach Wave Hair
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Long Braided" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Braided
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Long Dreadlocks" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Dreadlocks
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Feathered" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Feathered
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Long Blunt Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Straight Loose Bangs Blunt Solid
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Sideswept Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Straight Loose Bangs Sideswept Solid
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Straight" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Straight Loose Solid
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Wavy Long" {
@YOU changes hair into Wavy Long
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Wavy Parted" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Wavy Parted Hair
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Feathered Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Feathered Bangs Blunt
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Braided Dreads Parted" {
@YOU changes hair into Dreads Braided
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Long Voluminous Curls" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Voluminous Curls Loose
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Long Curls" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Curls
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Wavy Princess Braid" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Down Wavy Princess Braid
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Bouffant Wavy" {
@YOU changes hair into Bouffant Long Wavy
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Loose Curls" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Loose Curls
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Wavy Blowout" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Wavy Blowout
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Side Shave" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Side Shave
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Scene Hair" {
@YOU changes hair into Scene Swoosh
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Slicked Back" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Straight Slicked Back
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Thick Curls" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Thick Curls
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Loose Bangs Sideswept" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Wavy Loose Bangs Sideswept
goto fem_hairLong_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1

label fem_hairUp_1

Updo hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Braided Bun" {
@YOU changes hair into Braided Bun
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Short Ponytail" {
@YOU changes hair into Short High Ponytail
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Long Ponytail" {
@YOU changes hair into Long High Ponytail
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Morning Updo" {
@YOU changes hair into Morning Updo
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Small Bun" {
@YOU changes hair into Small Bun
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Double Dutch Braids" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Double Dutch Braids
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Pinup Rolls" {
@YOU changes hair into Pinup Victory Rolls
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Sleek Ponytail" {
@YOU changes hair into Sleek Ponytail
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Shoulder Braid" {
@YOU changes hair into Over Shoulder Braid
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Full Pigtail" {
@YOU changes hair into Full Pigtail
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Updo Braids" {
@YOU changes hair into Braids Updo
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Double Buns" {
@YOU changes hair into Double Buns
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Double Afro Puffs" {
@YOU changes hair into Curly Double Afro Puffs
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Curly Bun Half-up" {
@YOU changes hair into Medium Shoulder Curly Bun Hair
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Messy Sock Bun" {
@YOU changes hair into Messy Sock Bun
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Messy Ponytail" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Messy Pony Tail
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Blunt Bangs Ponytail" {
@YOU changes hair into Pony Tail Blunt Bangs
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Side Swept Updo" {
@YOU changes hair into Side Swept Updo Long
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Long Wavy Updo" {
@YOU changes hair into Updo Pony Wavy Long
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Punk Hair" {
@YOU changes hair into Cropped Punk Cut
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
"Updo Low Bun" {
@YOU changes hair into Updo
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Updo Curly Messy" {
@YOU changes hair into Updo Curly Messy
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Updo Twist Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Updo High Twist Bangs Blunt
goto fem_hairUp_1
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_1
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_1

####################### HAIR COLOR #######################

label fem_haircolor_1

All hair colors.

goto fem_hairDark_1
}"Light" {
goto fem_hairLight_1
goto fem_hairDye_1
goto female_custom_1
} "Back to Styles" {
goto fem_hair_1

label fem_hairDark_1

Dark hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Light Brown" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Light Brown
goto fem_hairDark_1
}"Warm Brown" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Medium Warm Brown
goto fem_hairDark_1
}"Medium Brown" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Medium Brown
goto fem_hairDark_1
}"Chestnut Brown"{
@YOU changes hairColor into Chestnut Brown
goto fem_hairDark_1
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
goto female_custom_1
"Dark Brown"{
@YOU changes hairColor into Dark Brown
goto fem_hairDark_1
}"Brunette Brown"{
@YOU changes hairColor into Brunette Brown
goto fem_hairDark_1
}"Ginger Red" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Ginger Red
goto fem_hairDark_1
}"Burgundy Red" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Burgundy Red
goto fem_hairDark_1
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
goto female_custom_1
"Deep Brown" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Deep Brown
goto fem_hairDark_1
}"Brown Black" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Brown Black
goto fem_hairDark_1
}"Dark Black" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Black Dark
goto fem_hairDark_1
}"Jet Black" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Black Jet
goto fem_hairDark_1
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
goto female_custom_1

label fem_hairLight_1

Light hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Platinum Blonde" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Platinum Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_1
}"Dirty Blonde" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Dirty Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_1
}"Honey Blonde" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Honey Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_1
}"Strawberry Blonde" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Strawberry Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_1
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
goto female_custom_1
"Medium Blonde" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Blonde Medium
goto fem_hairLight_1
}"Ash Blonde" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Ash Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_1
}"Peach Blonde" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Peach Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_1
}"Platinum White" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Platinum White
goto fem_hairLight_1
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
goto female_custom_1

label fem_hairDye_1

Dyed hair colors.

"Pink/Purple" {
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_1
}"Blue/Green" {
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_1
}"Red/Yellow" {
goto fem_hairDye_Red_1
}"White/Grey" {
goto fem_hairDye_White_1
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_1
goto female_custom_1

label fem_hairDye_Pink_1

Pink and purple hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Hot Pink" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Hot Pink
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_1
} "Light Pink" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Pink Lt
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_1
} "Warm Pink" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Warm Pink
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_1
} "Rose Gold" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Rose Gold
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_1
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Purple" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Red Purple
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_1
} "Purple Lilac" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Purple Lilac
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_1
} "Plum" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Plum
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_1
} "Dark Purple" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Purple
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_1
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Pastel Lavender" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Pastel Purple Lavender
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_1
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_1

label fem_hairDye_Blue_1

Blue and green hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Blue" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Blue
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_1
} "Light Blue" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Cornflower Blue
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_1
} "Aqua Blue" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Aqua Blue
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_1
} "Dark Blue" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Blue Black
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_1
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Green" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Green
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_1
} "Lime Green" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Yellow Green
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_1
} "Mint" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Mint
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_1
} "Aqua Green" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Aqua Green
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_1
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_1
"Pastel Blue" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Pastel Blue
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_1
} "Pastel Mint" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Pastel Mint
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_1
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_1

label fem_hairDye_Red_1

Red, yellow, & orange hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Yellow" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Yellow
goto fem_hairDye_Red_1
} "Orange" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Orange
goto fem_hairDye_Red_1
} "Red" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Red
goto fem_hairDye_Red_1
} "Copper Red" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Copper Red
goto fem_hairDye_Red_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_1
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_1

label fem_hairDye_White_1

White & grey hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Grey" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Cool Gray
goto fem_hairDye_White_1
} "Light Grey" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Aqua Gray
goto fem_hairDye_White_1
}"White" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Warm White
goto fem_hairDye_White_1
}"Ice" {
@YOU changes hairColor into Platinum Ice
goto fem_hairDye_White_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_1
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_1

label female_1_end
Are you happy with how you look?
"Yes, I look gorgeous!" {
readerMessage Follow @dara.amarie.ep on Instagram! with messageTitle Customization Template Credit
} "No, I want to change something." {
goto female_custom_1

@pause for 0.5

@transition fade out white 0.5


@cut to zone 2 and zoom reset

&pan to zone 1 in 10

@transition fade in white 0.5

@pause for 0.5

My life here had always been an easy game.

@transition fade out white 0.5

EXT. SWIM UP BAR - DAY with SWIM UP WATER at layer 3 with COCKTAIL at layer 0

@YOU changes into Bikini 1
@BREE changes into Bikini 3
@JOURDAN changes into Bikini 2
@KINSLEY changes into Bikini 4

&overlay 5212666301906944_SWIM UP WATER shifts to -4 -96
&overlay 5212666301906944_SWIM UP WATER scales to 1.000 1.000

@cut to zone 1 and zoom on 38 113 to 142% in 0

@add Champagne Flute Filled to YOU

@YOU spot 0.920 190 64 in zone 1 at layer 1 and YOU faces left and YOU starts idle_stemware_happy_loop

@BREE spot 0.920 78 206 in zone 1 at layer 0 and BREE faces right and BREE starts idle_sit_anklescrossed_neutral_loop

@JOURDAN spot 0.992 44 -23 in zone 1 at layer 2 and JOURDAN faces left and JOURDAN starts talk_handsonhips_neutral_rear

@KINSLEY spot 0.992 94 -46 in zone 1 at layer 2 and KINSLEY faces left and KINSLEY starts idle_rear

@transition fade in white 0.5

&YOU is sip_stemware_happy

@pause for 0.5

I was | bold , italic , color:orange |queen| reset | of the social scene.

@zoom on 200 195 to 250% in 0.35

@remove Champagne Flute Filled from YOU

&YOU is flirt_wink_atcamera

@pause for 0.5

| bold , italic |Until...

@transition fade out black 0.5


@YOU spot 1.280 244 -14 and YOU faces right and YOU starts idle_terrified_loop

@YOU changes into Coat 1

@zoom on 78 353 to 194% in 0

sound thunderclap2

@transition fade in black 0.5

@pause for a beat

@transition fade out black 0.5

&zoom on 320 379 to 194% in 0

@transition fade in black 0.5

&zoom on 271 395 to 276% in 0.5

@speechbubble is 168 159 to 100%

Due to | bold , italic |unforeseen circumstances,| reset | I had to leave town for a while.

sound scream_female

&YOU is react_scream_horror

@pause for 0.85

@transition fade out black 0.5


@YOU changes into You Intro

&overlay 5212666301906944_AIRPLANE WINDOW shifts to -148 -117
&overlay 5212666301906944_AIRPLANE WINDOW scales to 1.804 1.804

@zoom on 202 129 to 61% in 0

@YOU spot 4.290 -60 -1392 in zone 1 at layer 1 and YOU faces left and YOU starts hug_neutral_loop_rear

@transition fade in black 0.5

@speechbubble is 161 181 to 100%

@pause for 0.5

But my self-imposed exile came to an end.

And I was ready to reclaim what's | bold |mine.

volume music 0 1000

@transition fade out black 1

@cut to zone 5 and zoom reset

@pause for 0.5

@speechbubble reset

Or was I?

@pause for a beat

@EMILIA becomes YOU

@EMILIA changes face into Round Soft
@EMILIA changes hair into Straight Medium

@EMILIA changes into EMILIA_default

INT. AIRPORT BOARDING - DAY with BANNER at layer 2 with CHAUFFEUR CAP at layer 2

music music_upbeatsynth
volume music 0 0
volume music 50 0

@cut to zone 3 and zoom reset

&overlay 5212666301906944_CHAUFFEUR CAP shifts to 44 368 in zone 1
&overlay 5212666301906944_CHAUFFEUR CAP scales to 0.468 0.468

&overlay 5212666301906944_BANNER shifts to 74 274 in zone 1
&overlay 5212666301906944_BANNER scales to 0.460 0.460

@YOU spot 1.280 395 8 in zone 3 at layer 3 and YOU faces left and YOU starts idle

@EMILIA spot 0.822 152 211 in zone 1 at layer 0 and EMILIA faces right and EMILIA starts idle

@DRIVER spot 0.867 98 205 in zone 1 at layer 1 and DRIVER faces right and DRIVER starts idle_book_open_neutral_loop

@BGMALE1 spot 0.624 4 334 in zone 3 at layer 0 and BGMALE1 faces right and BGMALE1 starts listen_phone_confused

@BGFEMALE2 spot 0.867 153 183 in zone 2 at layer 1 and BGFEMALE2 faces left and BGFEMALE2 starts flirt_liftchin_give_rear

@BGFEMALE1 spot 0.840 153 193 in zone 2 at layer 0 and BGFEMALE1 faces left and BGFEMALE1 starts cry_sob_sad_loop

@transition fade in black 1

@YOU walks to spot 1.280 210 9 in 1.5 then YOU is think_rubchin

@zoom on 881 406 to 180% in 0.5

@speechbubble is 125 245 to 100% with tail_top_right

(Where is everyone?)

@zoom on 600 389 to 403% in 0.25

@BGMALE1 is listen_phone_confused

@cut to zone 2 and zoom on 424 338 to 248% in 0.2

@pause for 1.25

@cut to zone 1 and zoom on 99 352 to 263% in 0.2

@EMILIA is talk_greet_shy

@pause for a beat

@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 848 410 to 195% in 0.2

@speechbubble is 137 215 to 100% with tail_top_right

sound record_scratch_stop

YOU (react_startled_surprised)
(That's | bold , italic |it?)

YOU (idle_awkward_uneasy_loop)
(| bold , italic |That's| reset | my welcome home parade?)

&YOU walks to spot 1.280 21 10 in 1.5 and YOU does it while walk_worried_loop

@pause for 0.5

@transition fade out black 1

@remove BGFEMALE1
@remove BGFEMALE2

@cut to zone 2 and zoom on 320 333 to 162% in 0

@YOU spot 0.839 264 213 in zone 2 at layer 0 and YOU starts idle

@EMILIA spot 0.822 -55 226 in zone 2 at layer 1 and EMILIA starts idle

&EMILIA walks to spot 0.822 56 226 in 1.5

@transition fade in black 1

&YOU walks to spot 0.839 146 216 in 1.5 and YOU does it while walk_worried_loop

@pause for 0.5

@speechbubble is 172 301 to 95% with tail_top_left

EMILIA (talk_exclaim_yes_happy)

@EMILIA walks to spot 0.822 108 227 in 0.5 then EMILIA is hug_neutral_rear and EMILIA faces left and YOU is hug_neutral

@zoom on 369 366 to 204% in 0.5

@pause for 0.5

&YOU is idle

@EMILIA walks to spot 0.822 65 226 in 0.5 and EMILIA faces right

@speechbubble reset

@zoom on 343 386 to 325% in 0.5

label female_custom_2

What does your sister look like?

"Skin Tone" {
goto fem_skin_2
} "Hair" {
goto fem_hair_2
} "Eyes" {
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Eyebrows" {
goto fem_brows_2
} "Face" {
goto fem_face_2
} "Nose" {
goto fem_nose_2
} "Lips" {
goto fem_mouth_2
} "This is perfect!" {
goto female_2_end

####################### SKIN COLOR #######################

label fem_skin_2

All skin tones.

"Neutral Shades" {
goto fem_neutralskin_2
} "Rose Shades" {
goto fem_roseskin_2
} "Gold Shades" {
goto fem_goldskin_2
} "Copper Shades" {
goto fem_copperskin_2
} "Ash Shades" {
goto fem_ashskin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2

label fem_neutralskin_2

Neutral skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Neutral 00" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Neutral 00
goto fem_neutralskin_2
} "Neutral 01" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Neutral 01
goto fem_neutralskin_2
} "Neutral 02" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Neutral 02
goto fem_neutralskin_2
} "Neutral 03" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Neutral 03
goto fem_neutralskin_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Neutral 04" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Neutral 04
goto fem_neutralskin_2
} "Neutral 05" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Neutral 05
goto fem_neutralskin_2
} "Neutral 06" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Neutral 06
goto fem_neutralskin_2
} "Neutral 07" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Neutral 07
goto fem_neutralskin_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Neutral 08" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Neutral 08
goto fem_neutralskin_2
} "Neutral 09" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Neutral 09
goto fem_neutralskin_2
} "Neutral 10" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Neutral 10
goto fem_neutralskin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2

label fem_roseskin_2

Rose skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Rose 00" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Rose 00
goto fem_roseskin_2
} "Rose 01" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Rose 01
goto fem_roseskin_2
} "Rose 02" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Rose 02
goto fem_roseskin_2
} "Rose 03" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Rose 03
goto fem_roseskin_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Rose 04" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Rose 04
goto fem_roseskin_2
} "Rose 05" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Rose 05
goto fem_roseskin_2
} "Rose 06" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Rose 06
goto fem_roseskin_2
} "Rose 07" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Rose 07
goto fem_roseskin_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Rose 08" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Rose 08
goto fem_roseskin_2
} "Rose 09" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Rose 09
goto fem_roseskin_2
} "Rose 10" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Rose 10
goto fem_roseskin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2

label fem_goldskin_2

Gold skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Gold 00" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Gold 00
goto fem_goldskin_2
} "Gold 01" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Gold 01
goto fem_goldskin_2
} "Gold 02" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Gold 02
goto fem_goldskin_2
} "Gold 03" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Gold 03
goto fem_goldskin_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Gold 04" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Gold 04
goto fem_goldskin_2
} "Gold 05" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Gold 05
goto fem_goldskin_2
} "Gold 06" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Gold 06
goto fem_goldskin_2
} "Gold 07" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Gold 07
goto fem_goldskin_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Gold 08" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Gold 08
goto fem_goldskin_2
} "Gold 09" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Gold 09
goto fem_goldskin_2
} "Gold 10" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Gold 10
goto fem_goldskin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2

label fem_copperskin_2

Copper skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Copper 00" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Copper 00
goto fem_copperskin_2
} "Copper 01" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Copper 01
goto fem_copperskin_2
} "Copper 02" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Copper 02
goto fem_copperskin_2
} "Copper 03" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Copper 03
goto fem_copperskin_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Copper 04" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Copper 04
goto fem_copperskin_2
} "Copper 05" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Copper 05
goto fem_copperskin_2
} "Copper 06" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Copper 06
goto fem_copperskin_2
} "Copper 07" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Copper 07
goto fem_copperskin_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Copper 08" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Copper 08
goto fem_copperskin_2
} "Copper 09" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Copper 09
goto fem_copperskin_2
} "Copper 10" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Copper 10
goto fem_copperskin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2

label fem_ashskin_2

Ash skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Ash 00" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Ash 00
goto fem_ashskin_2
} "Ash 01" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Ash 01
goto fem_ashskin_2
} "Ash 02" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Ash 02
goto fem_ashskin_2
} "Ash 03" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Ash 03
goto fem_ashskin_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Ash 04" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Ash 04
goto fem_ashskin_2
} "Ash 05" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Ash 05
goto fem_ashskin_2
} "Ash 06" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Ash 06
goto fem_ashskin_2
} "Ash 07" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Ash 07
goto fem_ashskin_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Ash 08" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Ash 08
goto fem_ashskin_2
} "Ash 09" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Ash 09
goto fem_ashskin_2
} "Ash 10" {
@EMILIA changes bodyColor into Ash 10
goto fem_ashskin_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_2

####################### EYEBROWS #######################

label fem_brows_2

Eyebrow shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Arched Natural"{
@EMILIA changes eyebrows into Arched Natural
goto fem_brows_2
}"Arched Thick"{
@EMILIA changes eyebrows into Arched Thick Styled
goto fem_brows_2
}"Arched Thin"{
@EMILIA changes eyebrows into Arched Thin
goto fem_brows_2
}"Arched Thin High"{
@EMILIA changes eyebrows into Arched Thin High
goto fem_brows_2
} "Change Color" {
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2
"Round Medium"{
@EMILIA changes eyebrows into Round Medium
goto fem_brows_2
}"Round Thick"{
@EMILIA changes eyebrows into Round Thick
goto fem_brows_2
}"Round Thin High"{
@EMILIA changes eyebrows into Round Thin High
goto fem_brows_2
}"Straight Medium"{
@EMILIA changes eyebrows into Straight Medium
goto fem_brows_2
} "Change Color" {
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2
"Arched Natural Scar"{
@EMILIA changes eyebrows into Arched Natural Scar
goto fem_brows_2
}"High Arch Angled"{
@EMILIA changes eyebrows into High Arch Angled
goto fem_brows_2
}"Arched Short"{
@EMILIA changes eyebrows into Arched Short
goto fem_brows_2
}"Bushy Thick"{
@EMILIA changes eyebrows into Bushy Thick
goto fem_brows_2
} "Change Color" {
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2

####################### EYEBROW COLOR #######################

label fem_browscolor_2

Eyebrow colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Dirty Blonde" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Dirty Blonde
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Honey Blonde" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Honey Blonde
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Platinum Blonde" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Platinum Blonde
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Strawberry Blonde" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Strawberry Blonde
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Blonde Medium" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Blonde Medium
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Chestnut Brown" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Chestnut Brown
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Dark Brown" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Dark Brown
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Deep Brown" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Deep Brown
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Light Brown" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Light Brown
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Dark Black" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Black Dark
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Jet Black" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into blackJet
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Light Pink" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Pink Lt
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Lavender" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Purple Lilac
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Mint" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Green Mint
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Ginger Red" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Ginger Red
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Copper Red" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Copper Red
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Gray" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into Gray
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "White" {
@EMILIA changes eyebrowsColor into White
goto fem_browscolor_2
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2

####################### FACE SHAPE #######################

label fem_face_2

Face shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Diamond" {
@EMILIA changes face into Diamond
goto fem_face_2
} "Long Diamond" {
@EMILIA changes face into Diamond Long
goto fem_face_2
} "Defined Diamond" {
@EMILIA changes face into Diamond Defined Contour
goto fem_face_2
} "Defined Heart" {
@EMILIA changes face into Heart Defined
goto fem_face_2
} "Defined Squared" {
@EMILIA changes face into Square Defined
goto fem_face_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2
"Soft Heart" {
@EMILIA changes face into Heart Soft
goto fem_face_2
} "Defined Triangle" {
@EMILIA changes face into Triangle Defined
goto fem_face_2
} "Mature Square" {
@EMILIA changes face into Square Mature
goto fem_face_2
} "Mature Heart" {
@EMILIA changes face into Heart Mature
goto fem_face_2
} "Soft Round" {
@EMILIA changes face into Round Soft
goto fem_face_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2
"Double Chin" {
@EMILIA changes face into Heart Mature Double Chin
goto fem_face_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2
"Round Puffy" {
@EMILIA changes face into Round Puffy Cheek
goto fem_face_2

####################### EYE SHAPE #######################

label fem_eyes_2

Eye shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Round Wide" {
@EMILIA changes eyes into Round Downturned Wide
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Round Medium" {
@EMILIA changes eyes into Round Medium
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Sharp Almond" {
@EMILIA changes eyes into Sharp Almond
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Generic" {
@EMILIA changes eyes into Female Generic
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Change Color"{
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2
"Deepset Downturned" {
@EMILIA changes eyes into Deepset Downturned
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Deepset Wide" {
@EMILIA changes eyes into Deepset Upturned Wide
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Deepset Almond" {
@EMILIA changes eyes into Deepset Almond
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Monolid Defined" {
@EMILIA changes eyes into Monolid Defined
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Change Color"{
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2
"Monolid Slender" {
@EMILIA changes eyes into Monolid Slender
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Angular Slender" {
@EMILIA changes eyes into Angular Slender
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Almond Slender" {
@EMILIA changes eyes into Hooded Slender Almond
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Almond Slender Eyeliner" {
@EMILIA changes eyes into Hooded Slender Almond Eyeliner
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Change Color"{
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2
"Deepset Mature" {
@EMILIA changes eyes into Deepset Mature
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Deepset Smokey Eye" {
@EMILIA changes eyes into Deep Set False Lashes Smokey Eye
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Change Color"{
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2

####################### EYE COLOR #######################

label fem_eyecolor_2

Eye colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Black" {
@EMILIA changes eyesColor into Brown Black
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Dark Brown" {
@EMILIA changes eyesColor into Brown Dark
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Light Brown" {
@EMILIA changes eyesColor into Brown Light
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Pale Brown" {
@EMILIA changes eyesColor into Brown Pale
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Eye Shapes" {
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2
"Ice Blue" {
@EMILIA changes eyesColor into Ice Blue
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Aqua Blue" {
@EMILIA changes eyesColor into Blue Aqua
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Deep Blue" {
@EMILIA changes eyesColor into Blue Deep
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Blue Green" {
@EMILIA changes eyesColor into Blue Green
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Eye Shapes" {
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2
"Silver" {
@EMILIA changes eyesColor into Grey Cool
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Green" {
@EMILIA changes eyesColor into Green Emerald
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Hazel" {
@EMILIA changes eyesColor into Hazel
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Dark Hazel" {
@EMILIA changes eyesColor into Hazel Dark
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Eye Shapes" {
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2
"Red" {
@EMILIA changes eyesColor into Red
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Violet" {
@EMILIA changes eyesColor into Violet
goto fem_eyecolor_2
} "Eye Shapes" {
goto fem_eyes_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2

####################### MOUTH SHAPE #######################

label fem_mouth_2

Lip shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Full Heart" {
@EMILIA changes mouth into Full Heart Pouty
goto fem_mouth_2
}"Full Round" {
@EMILIA changes mouth into Full Round Pouty
goto fem_mouth_2
}"Medium Heart" {
@EMILIA changes mouth into Medium Heart Natural
goto fem_mouth_2
}"Medium Thin" {
@EMILIA changes mouth into Medium Thin
goto fem_mouth_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2
"Thin Heart" {
@EMILIA changes mouth into Thin Heart
goto fem_mouth_2
}"Small Heart" {
@EMILIA changes mouth into Small Heart
goto fem_mouth_2
}"Flat Round" {
@EMILIA changes mouth into Full Round Flat Top Skin
goto fem_mouth_2
}"Medium Downturned" {
@EMILIA changes mouth into Medium Downturned Pout
goto fem_mouth_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2
"Full Flat Top" {
@EMILIA changes mouth into Full Flat Top Pouty
goto fem_mouth_2
}"Full Wide" {
@EMILIA changes mouth into Full Wide
goto fem_mouth_2
}"Heart Shaped" {
@EMILIA changes mouth into Heart Shaped Pout
goto fem_mouth_2
}"Heart with Braces" {
@EMILIA changes mouth into Heart Shaped Pout Braces
goto fem_mouth_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2

####################### MOUTH COLOR #######################

label fem_mouthcolor_2

All lip colors.

"Natural" {
goto fem_NaturalColors_2
} "Gloss" {
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Matte" {
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
} "Lip Shapes" {
goto fem_mouth_2

label fem_NaturalColors_2

Natural lip colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Fair Rose" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Fair Rose Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_2
} "Fair Neutral" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Fair Neutral Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_2
} "Fair Gold" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Fair Gold Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_2
} "Beige Light Gold" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Beige Light Gold Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Beige Gold" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Beige Gold Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_2
} "Beige Rose" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Beige Rose
goto fem_NaturalColors_2
} "Beige Deep Neutral" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Beige Deep Neutral
goto fem_NaturalColors_2
} "Tan Deep Gold" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Gold
goto fem_NaturalColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Tan Deep Neutral" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Neutral
goto fem_NaturalColors_2
} "Brown Neutral" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Brown Neutral
goto fem_NaturalColors_2
} "Brown Gold" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Brown Gold
goto fem_NaturalColors_2
} "Brown Deep Gold" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Gold
goto fem_NaturalColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Brown Deep Rose" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Rose
goto fem_NaturalColors_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2

label fem_GlossColors_2

Gloss lipstick colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Peach" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Peach Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Light Peach" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Lt Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Beige Pink" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Medium Pink" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Warm Pink" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Hot Pink" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Deep Pink" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Pink Peach" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Medium Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Neutral Nude" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Neutral Medium Nude Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Light Nude" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Rose Light Nude Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Medium Nude" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Rose Medium Nude Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Dark Nude" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Rose Dark Nude Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Rose" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Rose Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Mauve" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Mauve Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Pastel Purple" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Deep Purple" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Purple Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Red" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Red Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Deep Red" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Red Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Plum" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Plum Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Violet" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Violet Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Blood Orange" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Blood Orange Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Red Garnet" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Red Garnet Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Blackberry" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Blackberry Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Pink Cashmere" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Cashmere Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Ash Deep" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Ash Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Dark Mauve" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Dark Mauve Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Dark Amethyst" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Dark Amethyst Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Royal Blue" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Royal Blue Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Dark Apricot" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Dark Apricot Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Copper Deep" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Copper Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Gold Deep" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Gold Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Black" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Black Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2

label fem_MatteColors_2

Matte lipstick colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Peach" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Peach Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Light Peach" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Light Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Beige Pink" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Medium Pink" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Warm Pink" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Hot Pink" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Deep Pink" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Pink Peach" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Medium Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Neutral Nude" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Neutral Medium Nude Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Light Nude" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Rose Light Nude Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Medium Nude" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Rose Medium Nude Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Dark Nude" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Rose Dark Nude Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Rose" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Rose Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Mauve" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Mauve Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Pastel Purple" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Deep Purple" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Purple Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Red" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Red Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Deep Red" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Red Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Plum" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Plum Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Violet" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Violet Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Blood Orange" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Blood Orange Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Red Garnet" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Red Garnet Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Blackberry" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Blackberry Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Pink Cashmere" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Pink Cashmere Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Ash Deep" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Ash Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Dark Mauve" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Dark Mauve Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Dark Amethyst" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Dark Amethyst Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Royal Blue" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Royal Blue Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Dark Apricot" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Dark Apricot Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Copper Deep" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Copper Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Gold Deep" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Gold Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Black" {
@EMILIA changes mouthColor into Black Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_2
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_2
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_2

####################### NOSE SHAPE #######################

label fem_nose_2

Nose shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Defined Natural" {
@EMILIA changes nose into Defined Natural
goto fem_nose_2
} "Grecian Soft" {
@EMILIA changes nose into Grecian Soft
goto fem_nose_2
} "Round Broad" {
@EMILIA changes nose into Round Broad
goto fem_nose_2
} "Round Button" {
@EMILIA changes nose into Round Button
goto fem_nose_2
} "Round Button Upturned" {
@EMILIA changes nose into Round Button Upturned
goto fem_nose_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2
"Round Downturned" {
@EMILIA changes nose into Round Downturned
goto fem_nose_2
} "Round Flared Upturned" {
@EMILIA changes nose into Round Flared Upturned
goto fem_nose_2
} "Round Flared Downturned" {
@EMILIA changes nose into Round Flared Downturned
goto fem_nose_2
} "Pointed Downturned" {
@EMILIA changes nose into Pointed Downturned
goto fem_nose_2
} "Broad Wide" {
@EMILIA changes nose into Broad Wide
goto fem_nose_2
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_2

####################### HAIR STYLE #######################

label fem_hair_2

All hairstyles.

"Short Hair"{
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Mid-length Hair"{
goto fem_hairMedium_2
}"Long Hair"{
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Styled Hair"{
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
goto female_custom_2

label fem_hairShort_2

Short hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Afro" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Afro
goto fem_hairShort_2
} "Short Afro" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Short Afro
goto fem_hairShort_2
} "Classic Bob" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Classic Bob
goto fem_hairShort_2
} "Curly Bob" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Curly Bob
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Faux Hawk" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Faux Hawk Solid
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Fade" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Short Curly Fade
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Pixie" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Short Pixie
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Punk Pixie" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Punk Pixie
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Short Wavy" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Short Wavy Hair Solid
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Blunt Bangs" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Blunt Bangs Short
goto fem_hairShort_2
} "Wavy Side Shaved" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Short Wavy Side Shave
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Curly Blow Out" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Short Curly Blow Out
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Crew Cut" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Crew Cut
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Short Fringe" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Short Layered Fringe
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Straight Tucked" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Short Straight Tucked
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Emo Pixie" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Emo Pixie
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Bantu Knots" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Bantu Knots
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Conservative Cut" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Conservative Cut
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Parted Bangs" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Bang Short Hair
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Side Part Curly" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Side Part Curly Asymmetrical
goto fem_hairShort_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2

label fem_hairMedium_2

Medium hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Braided" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Medium Braided
goto fem_hairMedium_2
}"Medium Dreadlocks" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Medium Dreadlocks
goto fem_hairMedium_2
}"Hair Flip" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Hair Flip
goto fem_hairMedium_2
}"Straight" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Straight Medium
goto fem_hairMedium_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Lob Bangs" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Lob Bangs Blunt
goto fem_hairMedium_2
}"Overgrown Bangs" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Medium Straight Overgrown Bangs
goto fem_hairMedium_2
}"Wavy Ombre" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Short Wavy Ombre
goto fem_hairMedium_2
}"Medium Curly" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Medium Curly Solid
goto fem_hairMedium_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Voluminous Curls" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Voluminous Curls
goto fem_hairMedium_2
} "Parted Wavy" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Short Wavy Asymmetrical
goto fem_hairMedium_2
} "Wavy Side Curls" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Wavy Side Curls
goto fem_hairMedium_2
} "Layered Wavy Bob" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Layered Wavy Bob
goto fem_hairMedium_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Straight Down" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Medium Straight Down
goto fem_hairMedium_2
} "Shoulder Curly" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Medium Shoulder Curly
goto fem_hairMedium_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2

label fem_hairLong_2

Long hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Beach Wave" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Beach Wave Hair
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Long Braided" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Braided
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Long Dreadlocks" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Dreadlocks
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Feathered" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Feathered
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Long Blunt Bangs" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Straight Loose Bangs Blunt Solid
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Sideswept Bangs" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Straight Loose Bangs Sideswept Solid
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Straight" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Straight Loose Solid
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Wavy Long" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Wavy Long
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Wavy Parted" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Wavy Parted Hair
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Feathered Bangs" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Feathered Bangs Blunt
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Braided Dreads Parted" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Dreads Braided
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Long Voluminous Curls" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Voluminous Curls Loose
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Long Curls" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Curls
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Wavy Princess Braid" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Down Wavy Princess Braid
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Bouffant Wavy" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Bouffant Long Wavy
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Loose Curls" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Loose Curls
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Wavy Blowout" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Wavy Blowout
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Side Shave" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Side Shave
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Scene Hair" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Scene Swoosh
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Slicked Back" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Straight Slicked Back
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Thick Curls" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Thick Curls
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Loose Bangs Sideswept" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Wavy Loose Bangs Sideswept
goto fem_hairLong_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2

label fem_hairUp_2

Updo hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Braided Bun" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Braided Bun
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Short Ponytail" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Short High Ponytail
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Long Ponytail" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long High Ponytail
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Morning Updo" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Morning Updo
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Small Bun" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Small Bun
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Double Dutch Braids" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Long Double Dutch Braids
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Pinup Rolls" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Pinup Victory Rolls
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Sleek Ponytail" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Sleek Ponytail
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Shoulder Braid" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Over Shoulder Braid
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Full Pigtail" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Full Pigtail
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Updo Braids" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Braids Updo
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Double Buns" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Double Buns
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Double Afro Puffs" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Curly Double Afro Puffs
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Curly Bun Half-up" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Medium Shoulder Curly Bun Hair
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Messy Sock Bun" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Messy Sock Bun
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Messy Ponytail" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Short Messy Pony Tail
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Blunt Bangs Ponytail" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Pony Tail Blunt Bangs
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Side Swept Updo" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Side Swept Updo Long
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Long Wavy Updo" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Updo Pony Wavy Long
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Punk Hair" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Cropped Punk Cut
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
"Updo Low Bun" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Updo
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Updo Curly Messy" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Updo Curly Messy
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Updo Twist Bangs" {
@EMILIA changes hair into Updo High Twist Bangs Blunt
goto fem_hairUp_2
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_2
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_2

####################### HAIR COLOR #######################

label fem_haircolor_2

All hair colors.

goto fem_hairDark_2
}"Light" {
goto fem_hairLight_2
goto fem_hairDye_2
goto female_custom_2
} "Back to Styles" {
goto fem_hair_2

label fem_hairDark_2

Dark hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Light Brown" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Light Brown
goto fem_hairDark_2
}"Warm Brown" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Medium Warm Brown
goto fem_hairDark_2
}"Medium Brown" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Medium Brown
goto fem_hairDark_2
}"Chestnut Brown"{
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Chestnut Brown
goto fem_hairDark_2
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
goto female_custom_2
"Dark Brown"{
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Dark Brown
goto fem_hairDark_2
}"Brunette Brown"{
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Brunette Brown
goto fem_hairDark_2
}"Ginger Red" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Ginger Red
goto fem_hairDark_2
}"Burgundy Red" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Burgundy Red
goto fem_hairDark_2
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
goto female_custom_2
"Deep Brown" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Deep Brown
goto fem_hairDark_2
}"Brown Black" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Brown Black
goto fem_hairDark_2
}"Dark Black" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Black Dark
goto fem_hairDark_2
}"Jet Black" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Black Jet
goto fem_hairDark_2
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
goto female_custom_2

label fem_hairLight_2

Light hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Platinum Blonde" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Platinum Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_2
}"Dirty Blonde" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Dirty Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_2
}"Honey Blonde" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Honey Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_2
}"Strawberry Blonde" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Strawberry Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_2
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
goto female_custom_2
"Medium Blonde" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Blonde Medium
goto fem_hairLight_2
}"Ash Blonde" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Ash Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_2
}"Peach Blonde" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Peach Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_2
}"Platinum White" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Platinum White
goto fem_hairLight_2
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
goto female_custom_2

label fem_hairDye_2

Dyed hair colors.

"Pink/Purple" {
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_2
}"Blue/Green" {
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_2
}"Red/Yellow" {
goto fem_hairDye_Red_2
}"White/Grey" {
goto fem_hairDye_White_2
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_2
goto female_custom_2

label fem_hairDye_Pink_2

Pink and purple hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Hot Pink" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Hot Pink
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_2
} "Light Pink" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Pink Lt
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_2
} "Warm Pink" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Warm Pink
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_2
} "Rose Gold" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Rose Gold
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_2
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_2
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Purple" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Red Purple
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_2
} "Purple Lilac" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Purple Lilac
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_2
} "Plum" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Plum
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_2
} "Dark Purple" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Purple
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_2
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_2
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Pastel Lavender" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Pastel Purple Lavender
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_2
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_2
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_2

label fem_hairDye_Blue_2

Blue and green hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Blue" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Blue
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_2
} "Light Blue" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Cornflower Blue
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_2
} "Aqua Blue" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Aqua Blue
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_2
} "Dark Blue" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Blue Black
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_2
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_2
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Green" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Green
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_2
} "Lime Green" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Yellow Green
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_2
} "Mint" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Mint
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_2
} "Aqua Green" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Aqua Green
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_2
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_2
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_2
"Pastel Blue" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Pastel Blue
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_2
} "Pastel Mint" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Pastel Mint
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_2
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_2
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_2

label fem_hairDye_Red_2

Red, yellow, & orange hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Yellow" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Yellow
goto fem_hairDye_Red_2
} "Orange" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Orange
goto fem_hairDye_Red_2
} "Red" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Red
goto fem_hairDye_Red_2
} "Copper Red" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Copper Red
goto fem_hairDye_Red_2
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_2
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_2

label fem_hairDye_White_2

White & grey hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Grey" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Cool Gray
goto fem_hairDye_White_2
} "Light Grey" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Aqua Gray
goto fem_hairDye_White_2
}"White" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Warm White
goto fem_hairDye_White_2
}"Ice" {
@EMILIA changes hairColor into Platinum Ice
goto fem_hairDye_White_2
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_2
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_2

label female_2_end
Are you happy with how she looks?
"Yes, she looks gorgeous!" {
readerMessage Follow @dara.amarie.ep on Instagram! with messageTitle Customization Template Credit
} "No, I want to change something." {
goto female_custom_2

@zoom on 369 366 to 204% in 0.5

@speechbubble is 168 275 to 95% with tail_top_right

YOU (talk_explain_neutral)
Emilia? Where is everyone?

YOU (talk_shrug_neutral)
I thought I told you to spread the word I was coming home.

@speechbubble is 174 273 to 95% with tail_top_left

EMILIA (talk_awkward_loop)
I | bold , italic |did| reset | spread the word.

They, um, couldn't make it.

&EMILIA is idle_awkward_scratch_loop

@speechbubble is 168 275 to 95% with tail_top_right

YOU (talk_startled_neutral)
I've been gone all this time and they couldn't even | bold , italic |make it| reset | to the airport to meet me?

YOU (talk_doubtful)
I thought Bree would be here at least.

&YOU is idle_armscrossed_angry_loop

@speechbubble is 174 273 to 95% with tail_top_left

EMILIA (talk_awkward_loop)
A lot has changed in the last few months. You'll see.

EMILIA (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
In the meantime, I hope you don't mind the low key welcome back.

&EMILIA is idle

@speechbubble is 145 282 to 0% with tail_top_right

YOU (think_rubchin)
(Choice 1: low key welcome.)
"I'm disappointed by it." {
@speechbubble is 168 275 to 95% with tail_top_right

YOU (talk_explain_neutral)
I'm disappointed that no one came to meet me.

YOU (talk_doubtful)
Not even Bree.

readerMessage Emilia feels unappreciated by you... with messageTitle Emilia -1

@speechbubble is 174 273 to 95% with tail_top_left

EMILIA (talk_shrug_neutral)
Be honest: when did you last talk to Bree?

@speechbubble is 168 275 to 95% with tail_top_right

YOU (idle_awkward_scratch_loop)
(I don't even remember...)
} "I'll make up for it." {
@speechbubble is 168 275 to 95% with tail_top_right

YOU (talk_neutral)
I can live with low key for now...

YOU (talk_primp_neutral) long as I can make a big entrance later.

&YOU is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

readerMessage Emilia admires your confidence! with messageTitle Emilia +1

@speechbubble is 174 273 to 95% with tail_top_left

EMILIA (talk_neutral)
You'll find the perfect opportunity. You always do.

} "I'm just happy to see you." {
@speechbubble is 168 275 to 95% with tail_top_right

YOU (talk_agree_happy)
I don't mind at all. I'm just happy to see you, Em.

&YOU is idle_happy_loop

readerMessage Emilia is surprised to hear that! with messageTitle Emilia +2

@speechbubble is 174 273 to 95% with tail_top_left

EMILIA (talk_excited_happy)
Really? You are?

@speechbubble is 168 275 to 95% with tail_top_right

YOU (talk_neutral)
Of course. I missed my little sister.

@speechbubble is 174 273 to 95% with tail_top_left

EMILIA (blush_shy)
I missed you too, [NAME].
@speechbubble is 174 273 to 95% with tail_top_left

EMILIA (talk_neutral)
Come on. We have a car waiting.

EMILIA (talk_neutral)
I'll fill you in on the way home.

&EMILIA walks to spot 0.822 -8 227 in 1

@transition fade out black 1

@cut to zone 5 and zoom reset

@pause for a beat


music music_softhouse2
volume music 0 0
volume music 50 0

&overlay CAR SIDE LIMO shifts to -342 122
&overlay CAR SIDE LIMO scales to 0.928 0.928

@YOU spot 0.578 213 309 in zone 1 at layer 1 and YOU faces right and YOU starts idle_handsonhips_neutral_loop

@EMILIA spot 0.578 273 307 in zone 1 at layer 0 and EMILIA faces left and EMILIA starts idle

@zoom on 320 455 to 138% in 0

@transition fade in black 1

@pause for 0.5

@zoom on 291 312 to 266% in 0.5

@speechbubble is 156 273 to 95% with tail_top_right

EMILIA (talk_neutral)
Feel like you're home yet?

@speechbubble is 164 276 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
The warm fuzzy feeling will last until I see Lydia.

YOU (talk_sarcastic)
While we're on the subject, how has it been with that | bold , italic |harpy?

@speechbubble is 156 273 to 95% with tail_top_right

EMILIA (talk_shrug_neutral)
Same as always, I guess.

EMILIA (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
I've seen more of her than dad since you left.

EMILIA (talk_apathetic)
He's been working a lot. But then what else is new?

@speechbubble is 164 276 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_neutral)
Speaking of new...

@speechbubble reset

@zoom on 222 338 to 487% in 0.25

YOU (talk_think_neutral)
You said a lot of things have changed around here.

YOU (talk_shrug_neutral)
What did you mean by that?

@zoom on 303 338 to 487% in 0

EMILIA (talk_explain_neutral)
There's been a big hole in the social scene since you left.

EMILIA (talk_doubtful)
A lot of people have tried to fill it.

@zoom on 222 338 to 487% in 0

@speechbubble is 110 243 to 0% with tail_top_right

YOU (idle)
(Choice 2: fill it.)
"No longer necessary." {
@speechbubble reset

readerMessage Gain points to reclaim your queen bee status! with messageTitle Reign +1


YOU (talk_primp_neutral)
Now that I'm back, that's no longer necessary.

&YOU is idle

@zoom on 303 338 to 487% in 0

EMILIA (talk_shrug_concerned)
I doubt people will give their popularity up that easily.

@zoom on 222 338 to 487% in 0

YOU (talk_neutral)
They won't have a choice.
} "Tried but failed, right?" {
@speechbubble reset

readerMessage Gain points to reclaim your queen bee status! with messageTitle Reign +1


YOU (talk_repulsed)
When you say "tried" you also mean "failed", right?

&YOU is idle

@zoom on 303 338 to 487% in 0

EMILIA (talk_shrug_concerned)
Life went on without you, [NAME].

@zoom on 222 338 to 487% in 0

YOU (talk_gossip)
Bet it was pretty empty.
} "They'll fall in line." {
@speechbubble reset

readerMessage Gain points to reclaim your queen bee status! with messageTitle Reign +1


YOU (talk_deny_neutral)
Whoever thinks they can challenge me...

YOU (talk_primp_neutral)
They'll fall in line.

@zoom on 303 338 to 487% in 0

EMILIA (talk_shrug_neutral)
It's not like you'll give them a choice.

@zoom on 222 338 to 487% in 0

YOU (flirt_wink_happy)
&EMILIA is idle

&YOU is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

@zoom on 291 312 to 266% in 0.5

@pause for 0.25

@speechbubble reset

sound phone_vibrate_text

| bold , italic |**buzz buzz buzz**

@EMILIA is read_phone_neutral_loop

@speechbubble is 156 273 to 95% with tail_top_right

EMILIA (talk_read_phone_neutral)
I need to take this.

EMILIA (talk_read_phone_neutral)
You go inside. I'll be right there.

&EMILIA walks to spot 0.578 352 310 in 2 and EMILIA does it while walk_talk_phone_neutral_loop

@pause for a beat

@speechbubble is 178 286 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (think_rubchin)
(Can't take a phone call in front of me? Since | bold , italic |when?)

@transition fade out black 1

@cut to zone 5 and zoom reset

@pause for a beat

INT. INSIDE ELEVATOR - DAY with ELEVATOR EXTERIOR at layer 3 with ELEVATOR DOOR 1 at layer 2 with ELEVATOR DOOR 2 at layer 1

music music_happyedm
volume music 0 0
volume music 50 0

@zoom on 14 41 to 109% in 0

&overlay 5212666301906944_ELEVATOR DOOR 1 shifts to 68 82
&overlay 5212666301906944_ELEVATOR DOOR 1 scales to 1.000 1.000

&overlay 5212666301906944_ELEVATOR DOOR 2 shifts to 155 82
&overlay 5212666301906944_ELEVATOR DOOR 2 scales to 1.000 1.000

@BOONE spot 0.723 191 277 in zone 1 at layer 0 and BOONE faces left and BOONE starts idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop

@YOU spot 0.992 -99 122 in zone 1 at layer 5 and YOU faces right

@transition fade in black 1

@pause for 0.5

@YOU walks to spot 0.992 75 125 in 1.5 and YOU does it while walk_neutral_loop_rear and YOU faces left then YOU starts rear

&overlay 5212666301906944_ELEVATOR DOOR 2 shifts to 244 82 in 1
@overlay 5212666301906944_ELEVATOR DOOR 1 shifts to -14 82 in 1

@pause for 0.5

@zoom on 201 379 to 300% in 0.5

@speechbubble is 144 225 to 92% with tail_top_right

BOONE (blush_shy)

&BOONE is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

@speechbubble reset

label boy_custom_1

What does your old friend Boone look like?

"Skin Tone" {
goto boy_skin_1
} "Hair" {
goto boy_hair_1
} "Eyes" {
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Eyebrows" {
goto boy_brows_1
} "Face Shape"{
goto boy_face_1
} "Nose" {
goto boy_nose_1
} "Mouth" {
goto boy_mouth_1
} "This is perfect!" {
goto boy_end_1

####################### SKIN COLOR #######################

label boy_skin_1

All skin tones.

"Neutral Shades" {
goto boy_neutralskin_1
} "Rose Shades" {
goto boy_roseskin_1
} "Gold Shades" {
goto boy_goldskin_1
} "Copper Shades" {
goto boy_copperskin_1
} "Ash Shades" {
goto boy_ashskin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1

label boy_neutralskin_1

Neutral skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Neutral 00" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Neutral 00
goto boy_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 01" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Neutral 01
goto boy_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 02" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Neutral 02
goto boy_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 03" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Neutral 03
goto boy_neutralskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Neutral 04" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Neutral 04
goto boy_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 05" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Neutral 05
goto boy_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 06" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Neutral 06
goto boy_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 07" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Neutral 07
goto boy_neutralskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Neutral 08" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Neutral 08
goto boy_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 09" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Neutral 09
goto boy_neutralskin_1
} "Neutral 10" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Neutral 10
goto boy_neutralskin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1

label boy_roseskin_1

Rose skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Rose 00" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Rose 00
goto boy_roseskin_1
} "Rose 01" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Rose 01
goto boy_roseskin_1
} "Rose 02" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Rose 02
goto boy_roseskin_1
} "Rose 03" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Rose 03
goto boy_roseskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Rose 04" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Rose 04
goto boy_roseskin_1
} "Rose 05" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Rose 05
goto boy_roseskin_1
} "Rose 06" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Rose 06
goto boy_roseskin_1
} "Rose 07" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Rose 07
goto boy_roseskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Rose 08" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Rose 08
goto boy_roseskin_1
} "Rose 09" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Rose 09
goto boy_roseskin_1
} "Rose 10" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Rose 10
goto boy_roseskin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1

label boy_goldskin_1

Gold skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Gold 00" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Gold 00
goto boy_goldskin_1
} "Gold 01" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Gold 01
goto boy_goldskin_1
} "Gold 02" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Gold 02
goto boy_goldskin_1
} "Gold 03" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Gold 03
goto boy_goldskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Gold 04" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Gold 04
goto boy_goldskin_1
} "Gold 05" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Gold 05
goto boy_goldskin_1
} "Gold 06" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Gold 06
goto boy_goldskin_1
} "Gold 07" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Gold 07
goto boy_goldskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Gold 08" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Gold 08
goto boy_goldskin_1
} "Gold 09" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Gold 09
goto boy_goldskin_1
} "Gold 10" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Gold 10
goto boy_goldskin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1

label boy_copperskin_1

Copper skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Copper 00" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Copper 00
goto boy_copperskin_1
} "Copper 01" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Copper 01
goto boy_copperskin_1
} "Copper 02" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Copper 02
goto boy_copperskin_1
} "Copper 03" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Copper 03
goto boy_copperskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Copper 04" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Copper 04
goto boy_copperskin_1
} "Copper 05" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Copper 05
goto boy_copperskin_1
} "Copper 06" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Copper 06
goto boy_copperskin_1
} "Copper 07" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Copper 07
goto boy_copperskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Copper 08" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Copper 08
goto boy_copperskin_1
} "Copper 09" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Copper 09
goto boy_copperskin_1
} "Copper 10" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Copper 10
goto boy_copperskin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1

label boy_ashskin_1

Ash skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Ash 00" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Ash 00
goto boy_ashskin_1
} "Ash 01" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Ash 01
goto boy_ashskin_1
} "Ash 02" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Ash 02
goto boy_ashskin_1
} "Ash 03" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Ash 03
goto boy_ashskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Ash 04" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Ash 04
goto boy_ashskin_1
} "Ash 05" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Ash 05
goto boy_ashskin_1
} "Ash 06" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Ash 06
goto boy_ashskin_1
} "Ash 07" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Ash 07
goto boy_ashskin_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Ash 08" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Ash 08
goto boy_ashskin_1
} "Ash 09" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Ash 09
goto boy_ashskin_1
} "Ash 10" {
@BOONE changes bodyColor into Ash 10
goto boy_ashskin_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
} "Different Shades" {
goto boy_skin_1

####################### EYEBROWs #######################

label boy_brows_1

Eyebrow shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Arched Medium"{
@BOONE changes eyebrows into Arched Medium
goto boy_brows_1
@BOONE changes eyebrows into Male Generic
goto boy_brows_1
}"Round Medium"{
@BOONE changes eyebrows into Round Medium
goto boy_brows_1
}"Round Soft"{
@BOONE changes eyebrows into Round Soft
goto boy_brows_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
"Round Thick"{
@BOONE changes eyebrows into Round Thick
goto boy_brows_1
}"Straight Medium"{
@BOONE changes eyebrows into Straight Medium
goto boy_brows_1
}"Arched Bushy"{
@BOONE changes eyebrows into Arched Bushy
goto boy_brows_1
}"Round Thin"{
@BOONE changes eyebrows into Round Thin
goto boy_brows_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
"Furrowed Straight"{
@BOONE changes eyebrows into Furrowed Straight S
goto boy_brows_1
}"Furrowed Raised"{
@BOONE changes eyebrows into Furrowed Raised S
goto boy_brows_1
}"Straight Medium Scar"{
@BOONE changes eyebrows into Straight Medium Scar
goto boy_brows_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_browscolor_1

####################### EYEBROW COLOR #######################

label boy_browscolor_1

Eyebrow colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Dirty Blonde" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Dirty Blonde
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Honey Blonde" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Honey Blonde
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Platinum Blonde" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Platinum Blonde
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Strawberry Blonde" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Strawberry Blonde
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Change Brow Shape" {
goto boy_brows_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Blonde Medium" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Blonde Medium
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Chestnut Brown" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Chestnut Brown
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Dark Brown" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Dark Brown
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Deep Brown" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Deep Brown
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Change Brow Shape" {
goto boy_brows_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Light Brown" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Light Brown
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Dark Black" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Black Dark
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Jet Black" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into blackJet
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Light Pink" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Pink Lt
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Change Brow Shape" {
goto boy_brows_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Lavender" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Purple Lilac
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Mint" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Green Mint
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Ginger Red" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Ginger Red
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Copper Red" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Copper Red
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Change Brow Shape" {
goto boy_brows_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Gray" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into Gray
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "White" {
@BOONE changes eyebrowsColor into White
goto boy_browscolor_1
} "Change Brow Shape" {
goto boy_brows_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1

####################### FACE SHAPE #######################

label boy_face_1

Face shapes.

"Clean Shaven" {
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Facial Hair" {
goto boy_face_beards_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1

label boy_face_clean_1

Face shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Soft Diamond" {
@BOONE changes face into Diamond Soft
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Defined Diamond" {
@BOONE changes face into Diamond Defined
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Chiseled" {
@BOONE changes face into Chiseled Angular
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Generic" {
@BOONE changes face into Male Generic
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Facial Hair" {
goto boy_face_beards_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
"Round" {
@BOONE changes face into Round Soft
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Square Jaw" {
@BOONE changes face into Square Jaw
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Square Defined" {
@BOONE changes face into Square Defined
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Triangle" {
@BOONE changes face into Triangle Chiseled
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Facial Hair" {
goto boy_face_beards_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
"Mature Square" {
@BOONE changes face into Square Jaw Mature
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Broad Cheeks" {
@BOONE changes face into Round Broad Cheeks
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Triangle Defined Chin" {
@BOONE changes face into Triangle Defined Chin
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Pointed Ear" {
@BOONE changes face into Triangle Defined Chin Pointed Ear Skin
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Facial Hair" {
goto boy_face_beards_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1

label boy_face_beards_1

Face shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Chiseled Stubble" {
@BOONE changes face into Chiseled Angular Stubble
goto boy_face_beards_1
} "Chiseled Shaved" {
@BOONE changes face into Chiseled Square Stubble Shaved
goto boy_face_beards_1
} "Long Jaw Stubble" {
@BOONE changes face into Square Long Jaw Stubble
goto boy_face_beards_1
} "Long Jaw Shadow" {
@BOONE changes face into Square Long Jaw Shadow
goto boy_face_beards_1
} "Clean Shaved" {
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
"Roundcheek Stubble" {
@BOONE changes face into Square Jaw Roundcheek Stubble
goto boy_face_beards_1
} "Scruffy Beard" {
@BOONE changes face into Triangle Chiseled Scruffy Beard
goto boy_face_beards_1
} "Clean Shaved" {
goto boy_face_clean_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1

####################### EYE SHAPE #######################

label boy_eyes_1

Eye shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Deepset Downturned" {
@BOONE changes eyes into Deepset Downturned
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Deepset Heavy" {
@BOONE changes eyes into Deepset Heavy Lid
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Deepset Downturned Lid" {
@BOONE changes eyes into Deepset Downturned Lidded
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Deepset Mature" {
@BOONE changes eyes into Deepset Sloping Mature
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Change Color"{
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
"Generic" {
@BOONE changes eyes into Male Generic
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Slender" {
@BOONE changes eyes into Monolid Slender
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Oval Wide" {
@BOONE changes eyes into Oval Wide
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Sloping Heavy Lid" {
@BOONE changes eyes into Sloping Heavy Lid
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Change Color"{
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
"Deep Sunken" {
@BOONE changes eyes into Male Deep Sunken
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Narrow Almond Smiling" {
@BOONE changes eyes into Narrow Almond Deep Smiling
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Narrow Almond Sunken" {
@BOONE changes eyes into Narrow Almond Deep Sunken
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Hooded Almond" {
@BOONE changes eyes into Hooded Almond
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Change Color"{
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
"Almond Deep" {
@BOONE changes eyes into Wide Almond Deep
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Almond Deep Eyebags" {
@BOONE changes eyes into Wide Almond Deep Eyebags
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Change Color"{
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1

####################### EYE COLOR #######################

label boy_eyecolor_1

Eye colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Black" {
@BOONE changes eyesColor into Brown Black
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Dark Brown" {
@BOONE changes eyesColor into Brown Dark
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Light Brown" {
@BOONE changes eyesColor into Brown Light
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Pale Brown" {
@BOONE changes eyesColor into Brown Pale
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Change Eye Shape" {
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
"Ice Blue" {
@BOONE changes eyesColor into Ice Blue
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Aqua Blue" {
@BOONE changes eyesColor into Blue Aqua
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Deep Blue" {
@BOONE changes eyesColor into Blue Deep
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Blue Green" {
@BOONE changes eyesColor into Blue Green
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Change Eye Shape" {
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
"Silver" {
@BOONE changes eyesColor into Grey Cool
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Green" {
@BOONE changes eyesColor into Green Emerald
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Hazel" {
@BOONE changes eyesColor into Hazel
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Dark Hazel" {
@BOONE changes eyesColor into Hazel Dark
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Change Eye Shape" {
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
"Red" {
@BOONE changes eyesColor into Red
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Violet" {
@BOONE changes eyesColor into Violet
goto boy_eyecolor_1
} "Change Eye Shape" {
goto boy_eyes_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1

####################### MOUTH SHAPE #######################

label boy_mouth_1

Mouth shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Medium Straight" {
@BOONE changes mouth into Medium Straight Natural
goto boy_mouth_1
}"Thin Heart" {
@BOONE changes mouth into Thin Heart
goto boy_mouth_1
}"Small Heart" {
@BOONE changes mouth into Small Heart
goto boy_mouth_1
}"Medium Heart" {
@BOONE changes mouth into Medium Heart
goto boy_mouth_1
}"Change Color"{
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
"Full Heart" {
@BOONE changes mouth into Full Heart Natural
goto boy_mouth_1
}"Large Heart" {
@BOONE changes mouth into Full Heart Large
goto boy_mouth_1
}"Full Flat Top" {
@BOONE changes mouth into Full Flat Top Pouty
goto boy_mouth_1
}"Full Lower Lip" {
@BOONE changes mouth into Full Lower Lip Sharp
goto boy_mouth_1
}"Change Color"{
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1

####################### MOUTH COLOR #######################

label boy_mouthcolor_1

All lip colors.

"Natural" {
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Gloss" {
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Matte" {
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Change Lip Shape" {
goto boy_mouth_1

label boy_NaturalColors_1

Natural lip colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Fair Rose" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Fair Rose Matte
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Fair Neutral" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Fair Neutral Matte
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Fair Gold" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Fair Gold Matte
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Beige Light Gold" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Beige Light Gold Matte
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Beige Gold" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Beige Gold Matte
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Beige Rose" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Beige Rose
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Beige Deep Neutral" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Beige Deep Neutral
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Medium Nude" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Neutral Medium Nude Matte
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Tan Deep Gold" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Gold
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Tan Deep Neutral" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Neutral
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Brown Neutral" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Brown Neutral
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Brown Gold" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Brown Gold
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Brown Deep Gold" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Gold
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Brown Deep Rose" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Rose
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Gold Deep Matte" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Gold Deep Matte
goto boy_NaturalColors_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1

label boy_GlossColors_1

Gloss lipstick colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Peach" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Peach Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Light Peach" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Lt Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Beige Pink" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Medium Pink" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Warm Pink" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Hot Pink" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Deep Pink" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Rose" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Rose Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Pink Peach" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Medium Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Light Nude" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Rose Light Nude Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Medium Nude" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Rose Medium Nude Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Dark Nude" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Rose Dark Nude Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Mauve" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Mauve Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Pastel Purple" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Plum" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Plum Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Deep Purple" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Purple Deep Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Red" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Red Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Deep Red" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Red Deep Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Violet" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Violet Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Black" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Black Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Blood Orange" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Blood Orange Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Red Garnet" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Red Garnet Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Blackberry" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Blackberry Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Pink Cashmere" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Cashmere Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Ash Deep" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Ash Deep Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Dark Mauve" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Dark Mauve Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Dark Amethyst" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Dark Amethyst Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Royal Blue" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Royal Blue Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Dark Apricot" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Dark Apricot Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Copper Deep" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Copper Deep Gloss
goto boy_GlossColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1

label boy_MatteColors_1

Matte lipstick colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Peach" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Peach Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Light Peach" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Light Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Beige Pink" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Medium Pink" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Warm Pink" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Hot Pink" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Deep Pink" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Rose" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Rose Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Pink Peach" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Medium Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Light Nude" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Rose Light Nude Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Medium Nude" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Rose Medium Nude Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Dark Nude" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Rose Dark Nude Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Mauve" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Mauve Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Pastel Purple" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Plum" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Plum Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Deep Purple" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Purple Deep Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Red" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Red Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Deep Red" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Red Deep Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Violet" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Violet Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Black" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Black Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Blood Orange" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Blood Orange Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Red Garnet" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Red Garnet Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Blackberry" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Blackberry Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Pink Cashmere" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Pink Cashmere Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Ash Deep" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Ash Deep Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Dark Mauve" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Dark Mauve Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Dark Amethyst" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Dark Amethyst Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Royal Blue" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Royal Blue Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Dark Apricot" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Dark Apricot Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Copper Deep" {
@BOONE changes mouthColor into Copper Deep Matte
goto boy_MatteColors_1
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto boy_mouthcolor_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1

####################### NOSE SHAPE #######################

label boy_nose_1

Nose shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Button Wide" {
@BOONE changes nose into Button Wide
goto boy_nose_1
} "Button Round" {
@BOONE changes nose into Button Round
goto boy_nose_1
} "Grecian Narrow" {
@BOONE changes nose into Grecian Narrow
goto boy_nose_1
} "Grecian Hooked"{
@BOONE changes nose into Hooked Grecian
goto boy_nose_1
} "Grecian Round" {
@BOONE changes nose into Grecian Round
goto boy_nose_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
"Round Wide" {
@BOONE changes nose into Round Wide
goto boy_nose_1
} "Generic" {
@BOONE changes nose into Male Generic
goto boy_nose_1
} "Straight Narrow" {
@BOONE changes nose into Straight Narrow
goto boy_nose_1
} "Bulbous Downturned" {
@BOONE changes nose into Bulbous Downturned
goto boy_nose_1
} "Round Flared Downturned" {
@BOONE changes nose into Round Flared Downturned
goto boy_nose_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
"Straight Flat" {
@BOONE changes nose into Straight Flat
goto boy_nose_1
} "Straight Pointed" {
@BOONE changes nose into Straight Pointed
goto boy_nose_1
} "Roman Straight Broad" {
@BOONE changes nose into Roman Straight Broad
goto boy_nose_1
} "Done"{
goto boy_custom_1
} "Aquiline Medium" {
@BOONE changes nose into Aquiline Medium
goto boy_nose_1

####################### HAIR STYLE #######################

label boy_hair_1

All hairstyles.

"Short Hair" {
goto boy_hair_short_1
} "Medium Hair" {
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Long Hair" {
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1

label boy_hair_short_1

Short hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Military Fade" {
@BOONE changes hair into Military Fade Cut
goto boy_hair_short_1
} "Slicked Back" {
@BOONE changes hair into Slicked Back Solid
goto boy_hair_short_1
} "Curly Fade" {
@BOONE changes hair into Short Curly Fade
goto boy_hair_short_1
} "Curly Mohawk" {
@BOONE changes hair into Curly Mohawk
goto boy_hair_short_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1
} "Back to Hairstyles" {
goto boy_hair_1
"Crew Cut" {
@BOONE changes hair into Crew Cut
goto boy_hair_short_1
} "Conservative Cut" {
@BOONE changes hair into Conservative Cut
goto boy_hair_short_1
} "Receding Short" {
@BOONE changes hair into Receding Short Straight
goto boy_hair_short_1
} "Receded Hairline" {
@BOONE changes hair into Receded Hairline
goto boy_hair_short_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1
} "Back to Hairstyles" {
goto boy_hair_1

label boy_hair_medium_1

Medium hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Taper Wavy" {
@BOONE changes hair into Medium Taper Wavy
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Side Curls" {
@BOONE changes hair into Medium Side Curls
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Mohawk Dreads" {
@BOONE changes hair into Mohawk Dreads Short
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Top Dreads Loose" {
@BOONE changes hair into Dreads Loose Top Short
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1
} "Back to Hairstyles" {
goto boy_hair_1
"Long Messy Top Curls" {
@BOONE changes hair into Long Top Messy Curls
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Side Part Curly" {
@BOONE changes hair into Short Side Part Curly
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Messy Undercut" {
@BOONE changes hair into Messy Undercut
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Natural Waves" {
@BOONE changes hair into Medium Waves Natural
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1
} "Back to Hairstyles" {
goto boy_hair_1
"Medium Wavy Messy" {
@BOONE changes hair into Medium Wavy Messy
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Tousled Curls" {
@BOONE changes hair into Tousled Loose Curls Long
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Parted Bangs" {
@BOONE changes hair into Long Bang Short Hair
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Generic Short" {
@BOONE changes hair into Generic Short
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1
} "Back to Hairstyles" {
goto boy_hair_1
"Twists" {
@BOONE changes hair into Short Twists
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Messy Curls" {
@BOONE changes hair into Short Messy Curls
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Messy Wavy" {
@BOONE changes hair into Wavy Messy
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Quiff" {
@BOONE changes hair into Wavy Quiff
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1
} "Back to Hairstyles" {
goto boy_hair_1
"Dreads Mohawk" {
@BOONE changes hair into Dreads Mohawk Wrap Up Hair
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Small Bun" {
@BOONE changes hair into Small Bun
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Manbun" {
@BOONE changes hair into Manbun
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Side Shave" {
@BOONE changes hair into Short Side Shave
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1
} "Back to Hairstyles" {
goto boy_hair_1
"Pixie" {
@BOONE changes hair into Short Pixie
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Messy Side Part" {
@BOONE changes hair into Medium Side Part Flip
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Messy Fluffy" {
@BOONE changes hair into Medium Messy Fluffy Parted
goto boy_hair_medium_1
} "Back to Hairstyles" {
goto boy_hair_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1

label boy_hair_long_1

Long hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Shaggy" {
@BOONE changes hair into Short Shaggy
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Parted Straight" {
@BOONE changes hair into Straight Medium
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Afro" {
@BOONE changes hair into Afro
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Curly Afro" {
@BOONE changes hair into Curly Loose Afro Hair
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1
} "Back to Hairstyles" {
goto boy_hair_1
"Medium Dreadlocks" {
@BOONE changes hair into Medium Dreadlocks
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Long Dreadlocks" {
@BOONE changes hair into Long Dreadlocks
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Braided" {
@BOONE changes hair into Long Braided
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Dreads Bun" {
@BOONE changes hair into Dreads Long Loose Bun
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1
} "Back to Hairstyles" {
goto boy_hair_1
"Medium Shoulder Dreads" {
@BOONE changes hair into Dreads Loose Medium Shoulder Hair
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Long Wavy" {
@BOONE changes hair into Wavy Long
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Long Curls" {
@BOONE changes hair into Long Curls
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Medium Curly" {
@BOONE changes hair into Medium Curly
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1
} "Back to Hairstyles" {
goto boy_hair_1
"Emo Hair" {
@BOONE changes hair into Emo Pixie
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Scene Hair" {
@BOONE changes hair into Scene Swoosh
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Punk Hair" {
@BOONE changes hair into Cropped Punk Cut
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Long Slicked Back" {
@BOONE changes hair into Long Straight Slicked Back
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1
} "Back to Hairstyles" {
goto boy_hair_1
"Messy Curls" {
@BOONE changes hair into Medium Messy Curls
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Long Wavy Ponytail" {
@BOONE changes hair into Updo Pony Wavy Long
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Layered Side Part" {
@BOONE changes hair into Long Layered Side Part
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Loose Curls" {
@BOONE changes hair into Long Loose Curls
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1
} "Back to Hairstyles" {
goto boy_hair_1
"Side Swept" {
@BOONE changes hair into Side Swept Medium Hair Solid
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Messy Wild Unkempt" {
@BOONE changes hair into Messy Wild Unkempt
goto boy_hair_long_1
} "Change Color" {
goto boy_haircolor_1
} "Back to Hairstyles" {
goto boy_hair_1

####################### HAIR COLOR #######################

label boy_haircolor_1

All hair colors.

goto boy_hairDark_1
}"Light" {
goto boy_hairLight_1
goto boy_hairDye_1
} "Back to Styles" {
goto boy_hair_1

label boy_hairDark_1

Dark hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Light Brown" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Light Brown
goto boy_hairDark_1
}"Warm Brown" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Medium Warm Brown
goto boy_hairDark_1
}"Medium Brown" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Medium Brown
goto boy_hairDark_1
}"Chestnut Brown"{
@BOONE changes hairColor into Chestnut Brown
goto boy_hairDark_1
}"Different Colors"{
goto boy_haircolor_1
goto boy_custom_1
"Dark Brown"{
@BOONE changes hairColor into Dark Brown
goto boy_hairDark_1
}"Brunette Brown"{
@BOONE changes hairColor into Brunette Brown
goto boy_hairDark_1
}"Ginger Red" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Ginger Red
goto boy_hairDark_1
}"Burgundy Red" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Burgundy Red
goto boy_hairDark_1
}"Different Colors"{
goto boy_haircolor_1
goto boy_custom_1
"Deep Brown" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Deep Brown
goto boy_hairDark_1
}"Brown Black" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Brown Black
goto boy_hairDark_1
}"Dark Black" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Black Dark
goto boy_hairDark_1
}"Jet Black" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Black Jet
goto boy_hairDark_1
}"Different Colors"{
goto boy_haircolor_1
goto boy_custom_1

label boy_hairLight_1

Light hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Platinum Blonde" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Platinum Blonde
goto boy_hairLight_1
}"Dirty Blonde" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Dirty Blonde
goto boy_hairLight_1
}"Honey Blonde" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Honey Blonde
goto boy_hairLight_1
}"Strawberry Blonde" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Strawberry Blonde
goto boy_hairLight_1
}"Different Colors"{
goto boy_haircolor_1
goto boy_custom_1
"Medium Blonde" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Blonde Medium
goto boy_hairLight_1
}"Ash Blonde" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Ash Blonde
goto boy_hairLight_1
}"Peach Blonde" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Peach Blonde
goto boy_hairLight_1
}"Platinum White" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Platinum White
goto boy_hairLight_1
}"Different Colors"{
goto boy_haircolor_1
goto boy_custom_1

label boy_hairDye_1

Dyed hair colors.

"Pink/Purple" {
goto boy_hairDye_Pink_1
}"Blue/Green" {
goto boy_hairDye_Blue_1
}"Red/Yellow" {
goto boy_hairDye_Red_1
}"White/Grey" {
goto boy_hairDye_White_1
}"Different Colors"{
goto boy_haircolor_1
goto boy_custom_1

label boy_hairDye_Pink_1

Pink and purple hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Hot Pink" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Hot Pink
goto boy_hairDye_Pink_1
} "Light Pink" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Pink Lt
goto boy_hairDye_Pink_1
} "Warm Pink" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Warm Pink
goto boy_hairDye_Pink_1
} "Rose Gold" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Rose Gold
goto boy_hairDye_Pink_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto boy_hairDye_1
}"Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Purple" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Red Purple
goto boy_hairDye_Pink_1
} "Purple Lilac" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Purple Lilac
goto boy_hairDye_Pink_1
} "Plum" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Plum
goto boy_hairDye_Pink_1
} "Dark Purple" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Purple
goto boy_hairDye_Pink_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto boy_hairDye_1
}"Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Pastel Lavender" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Pastel Purple Lavender
goto boy_hairDye_Pink_1
}"Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto boy_hairDye_1

label boy_hairDye_Blue_1

Blue and green hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Blue" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Blue
goto boy_hairDye_Blue_1
} "Light Blue" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Cornflower Blue
goto boy_hairDye_Blue_1
} "Aqua Blue" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Aqua Blue
goto boy_hairDye_Blue_1
} "Dark Blue" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Blue Black
goto boy_hairDye_Blue_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto boy_hairDye_1
}"Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Green" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Green
goto boy_hairDye_Blue_1
} "Lime Green" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Yellow Green
goto boy_hairDye_Blue_1
} "Mint" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Mint
goto boy_hairDye_Blue_1
} "Aqua Green" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Aqua Green
goto boy_hairDye_Blue_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto boy_hairDye_1
}"Done" {
goto boy_custom_1
"Pastel Blue" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Pastel Blue
goto boy_hairDye_Blue_1
} "Pastel Mint" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Pastel Mint
goto boy_hairDye_Blue_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto boy_hairDye_1
}"Done" {
goto boy_custom_1

label boy_hairDye_Red_1

Red, yellow, & orange hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Yellow" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Yellow
goto boy_hairDye_Red_1
} "Orange" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Orange
goto boy_hairDye_Red_1
} "Red" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Red
goto boy_hairDye_Red_1
} "Copper Red" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Copper Red
goto boy_hairDye_Red_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto boy_hairDye_1
}"Done" {
goto boy_custom_1

label boy_hairDye_White_1

White & grey hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Grey" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Cool Gray
goto boy_hairDye_White_1
} "Light Grey" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Aqua Gray
goto boy_hairDye_White_1
}"White" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Warm White
goto boy_hairDye_White_1
}"Ice" {
@BOONE changes hairColor into Platinum Ice
goto boy_hairDye_White_1
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto boy_hairDye_1
}"Done" {
goto boy_custom_1

label boy_end_1
Are you happy with how he looks?
"Yes, he looks amazing!" {
readerMessage Follow @dara.amarie.ep on Instagram! with messageTitle Customization Template Credit
} "No, I want to change something." {
goto boy_custom_1
&zoom on 14 41 to 109% in 1

@pause for 0.25

@BOONE walks to spot 1.020 121 126 in 1.5 and BOONE moves to layer 4 then BOONE is hug_neutral and YOU is hug_neutral_rear

@pause for 0.5

&overlay 5212666301906944_ELEVATOR DOOR 1 shifts to 68 82 in 1
&overlay 5212666301906944_ELEVATOR DOOR 2 shifts to 155 82 in 1

@zoom on 60 343 to 204% in 0.75

@pause for 0.5

&YOU faces right and YOU is idle

@BOONE walks to spot 1.020 147 131 in 0.25 and BOONE faces left

&BOONE is idle

@pause for 0.25

@speechbubble is 179 251 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_neutral)
What are you doing here, Boone?

@speechbubble is 156 242 to 95% with tail_top_right

readerMessage You've known Boone for years

BOONE (talk_neutral)
I was just dropping something off for you.

BOONE (flirt_wink_happy)
A little welcome home gift.

&BOONE is idle_handsonhips_neutral_loop

@speechbubble is 179 251 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_think_neutral)
A gift? What is it?

&YOU is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

@speechbubble is 156 242 to 95% with tail_top_right

BOONE (laugh_chuckle)
You're always so suspicious.

if (mc_gay) {

BOONE (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
Trust me, [NAME]. I guarantee you'll love it.
} else {

BOONE (talk_whisper_unsure)
Don't worry, [NAME]. Those photos I took of you in Cabo will never see the light of day.

&BOONE is idle_happy_loop

@speechbubble is 179 251 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_sarcastic)
If they do, I'll know whose a** to blame.

@speechbubble is 156 242 to 95% with tail_top_right

BOONE (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
Whole lot of a** in those photos.

@speechbubble is 179 251 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (laugh_giggle)
I hate you.

&YOU is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

@speechbubble is 156 242 to 95% with tail_top_right

BOONE (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
I guarantee you won't hate me after you open my gift.
@speechbubble is 179 251 to 0% with tail_top_left

(Choice 3: Boone's gift.)
"Very thoughtful of you." {
@speechbubble is 179 251 to 95% with tail_top_left

if (mc_gay) {

YOU (talk_neutral)
I have to admit, the welcome home gift is a nice touch.
} else {

YOU (talk_flirt_charming)
I have to admit, the welcome home gift is a nice touch.
&YOU is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

readerMessage Boone is happy to hear that! with messageTitle Boone +1

@speechbubble is 156 242 to 95% with tail_top_right

BOONE (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
I thought so.
} "You always overdo it." {
@speechbubble is 179 251 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_shrug_neutral)
Was the welcome home gift really necessary? I've only been gone for 3 months.

readerMessage Boone is disappointed by your reaction... with messageTitle Boone -1

@speechbubble is 156 242 to 95% with tail_top_right

BOONE (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
Feels like it's been a lot longer than that.

&YOU is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop
&EMILIA spot 0.992 359 127 in zone 1 at layer 5 and EMILIA faces left

&BOONE is idle_handsonhips_neutral_loop

&zoom on 120 310 to 140% in 0.5

@EMILIA walks to spot 0.992 222 128 in 1.5

@speechbubble is 165 286 to 92% with tail_top_right

@BOONE faces right

EMILIA (talk_flirt_coy)
Boone. What a nice surprise.

EMILIA (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
Though I guess you're here to see [NAME].

@speechbubble is 198 291 to 92% with tail_top_left

BOONE (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
I was just dropping something off for her.

BOONE (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
Something to say, sorry I couldn't make it to the airport.

@speechbubble is 165 286 to 92% with tail_top_right

EMILIA (talk_shrug_neutral)
Aw. How sweet.

&EMILIA is idle_loop

@speechbubble is 198 291 to 92% with tail_top_left

BOONE (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
So, will I see you both tonight?

@speechbubble is 162 284 to 92% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_neutral)
What's happening tonight?

@speechbubble is 165 286 to 92% with tail_top_right

EMILIA (talk_neutral)
Just a few drinks with friends.

EMILIA (talk_neutral)
A lot of people we know will be there.

&EMILIA is idle

@speechbubble is 198 291 to 92% with tail_top_left

BOONE (talk_shrug_neutral)
Seems like the perfect way to welcome [NAME] back to town.

&BOONE is idle

@speechbubble is 162 284 to 0% with tail_top_left

YOU (think_rubchin)
(Choice 4: Back to town.)
"I'll make a grand entrance." {
@speechbubble is 162 284 to 92% with tail_top_left

readerMessage Show up in style! with messageTitle Reign +1

YOU (blush_shy)
I do love a grand entrance.

&YOU is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

@speechbubble is 198 291 to 92% with tail_top_left

BOONE (talk_neutral)
Who doesn't?
} "Maybe I should ease back in." {
@speechbubble is 162 284 to 92% with tail_top_left

readerMessage Um, okay... with messageTitle Reign -1

YOU (talk_think_neutral)
Maybe I should ease back in to the social scene...

&YOU is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

@speechbubble is 165 286 to 92% with tail_top_right

EMILIA (talk_repulsed)
Who are you and what have you done with [NAME]?

&EMILIA is idle

@speechbubble is 198 291 to 92% with tail_top_left

BOONE (talk_shrug_neutral)
Anyway, I'll let you settle in.

BOONE (talk_neutral)
See you guys tonight.

&BOONE walks to spot 1.020 -65 134 in 2.5 then remove BOONE

@pause for 0.5

@speechbubble is 162 284 to 92% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_neutral)
Bye, Boone.

@YOU is idle and EMILIA is deepbreath

@pause for a beat

YOU (talk_shrug_neutral)

&YOU is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

@speechbubble is 165 286 to 92% with tail_top_right

EMILIA (eyeroll_sarcastic)

&overlay 5212666301906944_ELEVATOR DOOR 2 shifts to 244 82 in 1
@overlay 5212666301906944_ELEVATOR DOOR 1 shifts to -14 82 in 1

&EMILIA walks to spot 0.794 191 249 in 1.5 and EMILIA does it while walk_neutral_rear and EMILIA faces right then EMILIA is rear

@pause for 0.5

@YOU walks to spot 0.794 119 247 in 1.5 and YOU does it while walk_neutral_rear and YOU faces left

&YOU is rear

&YOU moves to layer 0 and EMILIA moves to layer 0

&overlay 5212666301906944_ELEVATOR DOOR 1 shifts to 68 82 in 1
@overlay 5212666301906944_ELEVATOR DOOR 2 shifts to 155 82 in 1


music music_upbeatsynth
volume music 0 0
volume music 50 0

@zoom on 185 265 to 233% in 0

@EMILIA spot 0.632 206 270 and EMILIA faces left and EMILIA starts idle

@YOU spot 0.632 139 270 and YOU faces right and YOU starts idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop

@transition fade in gray 1

@pause for 0.5

@speechbubble is 153 306 to 95% with tail_top_right

if (mc_gay) {
EMILIA (talk_think_neutral)
I still think you and Boone would make a cute couple.

@speechbubble is 175 323 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_armscrossed_shrug_neutral)
No, we wouldn't.

@zoom on 134 318 to 404% in 0.25

@speechbubble is 202 257 to 0% with tail_top_left

YOU (idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
(Choice 5a: cute couple.)
"He's a good friend. That's all." {
@speechbubble reset

YOU (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
You know full well that Boone and I are just friends.

YOU (talk_armscrossed_condescending_loop)
And you know | bold , italic |why.

@zoom on 227 318 to 404% in 0

readerMessage Emilia is glad you're open with her with messageTitle Emilia +1


EMILIA (talk_awkward_loop)
So, um, you're still..
} "You're the one with the crush." {
@speechbubble reset

YOU (talk_armscrossed_condescending_loop)
You know what that's called? | bold , italic |Projection.

@zoom on 227 318 to 404% in 0

readerMessage You made your sister blush! with messageTitle Emilia +1


EMILIA (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
What? I'm not projecting anything.

@zoom on 134 318 to 404% in 0

YOU (talk_sarcastic)
You mean you | bold , italic |don't| reset | have a big fatty crush on Boone?

@zoom on 227 318 to 404% in 0

EMILIA (talk_startled_neutral)
No, of course not.

EMILIA (talk_awkward_loop)
So, um, I guess you're still...
} "For the last time: not my type." {
@speechbubble reset

YOU (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)
I've told you a thousand times he's not my type.

@zoom on 227 318 to 404% in 0

readerMessage Emilia thinks you're being aggressive with messageTitle Emilia -1


EMILIA (talk_deny_neutral)
I was just making an observation.

EMILIA (talk_awkward_loop)
So, um, you're still...

&EMILIA is idle_awkward_scratch_loop

@zoom on 134 318 to 404% in 0

YOU (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
Em. Assume everyday I'm still as gay as I was yesterday.

@zoom on 227 318 to 404% in 0

EMILIA (talk_unsure)
Oh. Okay.

&EMILIA is idle_awkward_uneasy_loop

@zoom on 134 318 to 404% in 0

YOU (deepbreath)
(If only Bree had been waiting in the elevator for me...)

} else {
EMILIA (talk_think_neutral)
Are you ever going to get serious about Boone?

EMILIA (talk_shrug_neutral)
You've been leading him on for years.

@speechbubble is 175 323 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_armscrossed_shrug_neutral)
I don't lead him on.

@zoom on 134 318 to 404% in 0.25

@speechbubble is 202 250 to 0% with tail_top_left

YOU (idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
(Choice 5b: lead him on.)
"He knows it's not serious." {
@speechbubble reset

YOU (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
Boone knows it's not serious between us.

YOU (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
We're just good friends who flirt and occasionally...

&YOU is idle

@zoom on 227 318 to 404% in 0

readerMessage Emilia is impressed! with messageTitle Emilia +2


EMILIA (talk_doubtful)
...hook up.
} "I don't want a boyfriend." {
@speechbubble reset

YOU (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now.

YOU (talk_deny_neutral)
Besides, I literally just got back into town.

&YOU is idle

@zoom on 227 318 to 404% in 0

readerMessage Emilia doesn't get that... with messageTitle Emilia -1


EMILIA (talk_doubtful)
Sometimes I really don't get you.
} "Mind your own business." {
@speechbubble reset

YOU (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)
And even if I | bold |do| reset | lead him on, it's none of your business.

&YOU is idle_armscrossed_angry_loop

@zoom on 227 318 to 404% in 0

readerMessage Emilia is hurt by your response! with messageTitle Emilia -2


EMILIA (talk_doubtful)
I was just giving my opinion.
&EMILIA is idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop

@zoom on 134 318 to 404% in 0

YOU (talk_shrug_neutral)
It works for us and that's all you need to know.
@zoom on 185 265 to 233% in 0.5

@speechbubble is 175 323 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_sarcastic)
Look, there's a lot about my life you don't understand.

@speechbubble is 153 306 to 95% with tail_top_right

EMILIA (talk_shrug_neutral)
That's because you never tell me what's going on.

EMILIA (talk_doubtful)
I still don't know why you left.

&EMILIA is idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop

@speechbubble is 175 323 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_deny_neutral)
| bold , italic |That's| reset | a conversation for another time.

YOU (talk_gossip)
Focus on the fact that I'm back.

YOU (talk_neutral)
You're happy to see me, right?

&YOU is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

@speechbubble is 153 306 to 95% with tail_top_right

EMILIA (eyeroll_sarcastic)

@transition iris out black 1


@zoom on 320 557 to 106% in 0

@YOU spot 1.100 59 124 in zone 1 at layer 0 and YOU faces right and YOU starts idle

@EMILIA spot 1.100 59 124 in zone 1 at layer 1 and EMILIA faces right and EMILIA starts idle

@LYDIA spot 1.100 383 129 in zone 2 at layer 1 and LYDIA faces left and LYDIA starts idle

&YOU walks to spot 1.100 171 135 in zone 2 in 3.5 then YOU faces left

@transition fade in black 1

&EMILIA walks to spot 1.100 57 134 in zone 2 in 2.5 and EMILIA does it while walk_neutral_offset_loop

@pan to zone 2 in 3

@speechbubble is 112 315 to 92% with tail_top_right

YOU (talk_sarcastic)
Wish me luck with her...

&EMILIA is laugh_giggle

&YOU faces right and YOU spot 1.100 136 133

@speechbubble is 122 317 to 92% with tail_top_right

YOU (callout_neutral)

&YOU is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

&EMILIA is idle

@LYDIA walks to spot 1.100 238 133 in 1.5

@speechbubble is 171 310 to 92% with tail_top_right

LYDIA (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
Welcome home, [NAME].

LYDIA (talk_handsonhips_neutral)
Sorry I wasn't there to meet you at the airport.

&LYDIA is idle_handsonhips_neutral_loop

readerMessage You have a complicated relationship with your step-mom

@speechbubble is 122 317 to 0% with tail_top_right

(Choice 6: Lydia)
"Attempt to be nice." {
@speechbubble is 208 314 to 92% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_neutral)
That's okay, Lydia. It was the perfect welcome back.

YOU (talk_doubtful)
Just | bold , italic |family.

readerMessage Lydia thinks you're childish with messageTitle Lydia -1

} "Don't even bother." {
@speechbubble is 208 314 to 92% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_think_neutral)
Oh, that's right. You weren't there.

YOU (talk_doubtful)
I didn't even notice.

readerMessage Lydia expected nothing less with messageTitle Lydia -2

@LYDIA is eyeroll_sarcastic

&YOU is idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop

@speechbubble is 143 317 to 92% with tail_top_left

EMILIA (talk_exhausted)
Are you two already slipping back into old habits?

EMILIA (talk_shrug_concerned)
How about a fresh start?

@speechbubble is 171 310 to 92% with tail_top_right

LYDIA (talk_sarcastic)
Don't worry, Em. This just how your sister and I relate to each other.

@speechbubble is 208 314 to 92% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_deny_neutral)
Or | bold , italic |don't| reset | relate to each other. I forget which way around.

YOU (talk_neutral)
I'm going to go open my gift.

&YOU walks to spot 1.100 357 141 in 2

@pause for 0.5

@EMILIA is eyeroll_sarcastic

@transition iris out black 1

@cut to zone 5 and zoom reset

@pause for a beat


music music_softhouse1
volume music 0 0
volume music 50 0

&overlay 5212666301906944_GIFT BOX shifts to -39 149 in zone 2
&overlay 5212666301906944_GIFT BOX scales to 1.000 1.000

@cut to zone 3 and zoom on 343 51 to 131% in 0

@YOU spot 1.046 27 60 in zone 3 at layer 1 and YOU faces right and YOU starts rear

@transition fade in black 1

@speechbubble is 210 290 to 95% with tail_top_left

(Just like I left it...)

&YOU walks to spot 0.785 120 220 in zone 2 in 2 and YOU does it while walk_neutral_rear and YOU faces right then YOU starts rear

@pan to zone 2 in 2

@pause for 0.5

@speechbubble is 208 318 to 92% with tail_top_left

(Let's see what Boone bought me.)

&LYDIA spot 0.785 291 221 and LYDIA faces left

&zoom on 421 174 to 149% in 1

@YOU is tinker_stand_neutral_loop_rear

@LYDIA walks to spot 0.785 203 213 in 1.5

@speechbubble is 175 336 to 92% with tail_top_right

LYDIA (talk_neutral)
I'll bet it's a beautiful dress. You could wear it tonight.

&YOU is idle and YOU spot 0.785 120 215

LYDIA (talk_think_neutral)
That is, if you're sure you should go.

&LYDIA is idle

@zoom on 474 288 to 188% in 0.5

@speechbubble is 179 289 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_doubtful)
Why shouldn't I?

@speechbubble is 159 288 to 95% with tail_top_right

LYDIA (talk_shrug_concerned)
People will want to know where you've been...

@speechbubble reset

@zoom on 547 343 to 316% in 0.25

LYDIA (talk_explain_neutral)
Why you left...

LYDIA (talk_unsure)
What you've been doing...

&LYDIA is idle

@zoom on 426 338 to 316% in 0

@speechbubble is 210 273 to 0% with tail_top_left

YOU (idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
(Choice 8: Why you left.)
"Are you prying into my life?" {
@speechbubble reset

YOU (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
It sounds like | bold , italic |you're| reset | the one trying to pry into my life.
} "It's none of their business." {
@speechbubble reset

YOU (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
It's my business, not theirs. Or yours for that matter.
} "Are they asking, or are you?" {
@speechbubble reset

YOU (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
Are they asking me, or are you the one that wants to know?
&YOU is idle

@zoom on 547 343 to 316% in 0

LYDIA (talk_shrug_neutral)
You always assume the worst with me.

@zoom on 426 338 to 316% in 0

YOU (talk_sarcastic)
Wonder why that is...

&YOU is idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop

&LYDIA is idle_loop

@zoom on 478 261 to 174% in 0.5

@speechbubble is 159 288 to 95% with tail_top_right

LYDIA (talk_shrug_neutral)
Whatever you may think, I | bold |am| reset | glad you're back.

LYDIA (talk_neutral)
And so is your dad.

@speechbubble is 179 289 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_armscrossed_neutral_loop)
Then why isn't he here to meet me?

&YOU is idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop

@speechbubble is 159 288 to 95% with tail_top_right

LYDIA (talk_deny_neutral)
I don't have the answer to that.

LYDIA (talk_sarcastic)
But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that [SURNAME]s show their love in mysterious ways.

&LYDIA walks to spot 0.785 291 221 in 1.5 then remove LYDIA

@pause for 0.25

@speechbubble is 196 308 to 95% with tail_top_left

YOU (deepbreath)
(Tell me about it...)

@transition fade out black 1

@cut to zone 5 and zoom reset

@speechbubble reset

@pause for a beat

That evening...

@pause for a beat


music music_upbeatpulse
volume music 0 0
volume music 50 0

@YOU spot 0.825 200 175 in zone 1 at layer 2 and YOU faces left and YOU starts idle_handsonhips_neutral_loop

@zoom on 120 147 to 141% in 0

@transition fade in black 1

@pause for 0.5

@speechbubble is 146 293 to 92% with tail_top_right

(What should I wear tonight?)

label dressing_game

@speechbubble is 146 293 to 0% with tail_top_right

(Dressing game.)
"Outfit 1." {
@pause for 0.25

@YOU is dustoff_neutral_loop

@YOU changes into You Party 1

@pause for 3

&YOU is idle

@pause for 0.5

@speechbubble is 138 305 to 92% with tail_top_right

YOU (think_rubchin)
(How about this outfit?)
"Wear this outfit." {
@pause for 0.25

YOU (idle_handsonhips_neutral_loop)
(I'll wear this one.)

gain ep2_outfit1
} "Try another outfit." {
@pause for 0.25

YOU (idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop)
(I'll try the other ones.)

goto dressing_game
} "Wear Boone's dress." {
@pause for 0.25

@YOU is dustoff_neutral_loop

@YOU changes into You Party 2

@pause for 3

&YOU is idle

@pause for 0.5

@speechbubble is 138 305 to 92% with tail_top_right

if (mc_gay) {

readerMessage Wear Boone's dress to boost your friendship with him
} else {

readerMessage Wear Boone's dress to boost your approval with him

YOU (think_rubchin)
(How about this outfit?)
"Wear this outfit." {
@pause for 0.25

YOU (idle_handsonhips_neutral_loop)
(I'll wear this one.)

gain boone_dress

gain ep2_outfit2
} "Try another outfit." {
@pause for 0.25

YOU (idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop)
(I'll try the other ones.)

goto dressing_game
} "Outfit 3." {
@pause for 0.25

@YOU is dustoff_neutral_loop

@YOU changes into You Party 3

@pause for 3

&YOU is idle

@pause for 0.5

@speechbubble is 138 305 to 92% with tail_top_right

YOU (think_rubchin)
(How about this outfit?)
"Wear this outfit." {
@pause for 0.25

YOU (idle_handsonhips_neutral_loop)
(I'll wear this one.)

gain ep1_outfit3
} "Try another outfit." {
@pause for 0.25

YOU (idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop)
(I'll try the other ones.)

goto dressing_game

@zoom on 221 275 to 232% in 0.5

@speechbubble is 164 256 to 100%
label hair_and_lip_x

What do you want to change?

"Lipstick" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Hairstyle" {
goto hair_styles_x
} "I look amazing!" {
goto hair_and_lip_x_end_x

label lip_stick_x

All lip colors.

"Natural" {
goto LS_NaturalColors_x
} "Gloss" {
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Matte" {
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x

label LS_NaturalColors_x

Natural lip colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Fair Rose" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Fair Rose Matte
goto LS_NaturalColors_x
} "Fair Neutral" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Fair Neutral Matte
goto LS_NaturalColors_x
} "Fair Gold" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Fair Gold Matte
goto LS_NaturalColors_x
} "Beige Light Gold" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Beige Light Gold Matte
goto LS_NaturalColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Beige Gold" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Beige Gold Matte
goto LS_NaturalColors_x
} "Beige Rose" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Beige Rose
goto LS_NaturalColors_x
} "Beige Deep Neutral" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Beige Deep Neutral
goto LS_NaturalColors_x
} "Tan Deep Gold" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Gold
goto LS_NaturalColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Tan Deep Neutral" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Neutral
goto LS_NaturalColors_x
} "Brown Neutral" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Brown Neutral
goto LS_NaturalColors_x
} "Brown Gold" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Brown Gold
goto LS_NaturalColors_x
} "Brown Deep Gold" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Gold
goto LS_NaturalColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Brown Deep Rose" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Rose
goto LS_NaturalColors_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x

label LS_GlossColors_x

Gloss lipstick colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Peach" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Peach Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Light Peach" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Lt Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Beige Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Medium Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Warm Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Hot Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Deep Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Pink Peach" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Medium Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Neutral Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Neutral Medium Nude Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Light Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Light Nude Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Medium Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Medium Nude Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Dark Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Dark Nude Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Rose" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Mauve" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Mauve Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Pastel Purple" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Deep Purple" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Purple Deep Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Red" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Red Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Deep Red" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Red Deep Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Plum" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Plum Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Violet" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Violet Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Blood Orange" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Blood Orange Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Red Garnet" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Red Garnet Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Blackberry" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Blackberry Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Pink Cashmere" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Cashmere Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Ash Deep" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Ash Deep Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Dark Mauve" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Dark Mauve Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Dark Amethyst" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Dark Amethyst Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Royal Blue" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Royal Blue Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Dark Apricot" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Dark Apricot Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Copper Deep" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Copper Deep Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Gold Deep" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Gold Deep Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Black" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Black Gloss
goto LS_GlossColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x

label LS_MatteColors_x

Matte lipstick colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Peach" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Peach Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Light Peach" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Light Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Beige Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Medium Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Warm Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Hot Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Deep Pink" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Pink Peach" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Medium Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Neutral Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Neutral Medium Nude Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Light Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Light Nude Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Medium Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Medium Nude Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Dark Nude" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Dark Nude Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Rose" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Rose Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Mauve" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Mauve Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Pastel Purple" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Deep Purple" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Purple Deep Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Red" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Red Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Deep Red" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Red Deep Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Plum" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Plum Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Violet" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Violet Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Blood Orange" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Blood Orange Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Red Garnet" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Red Garnet Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Blackberry" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Blackberry Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Pink Cashmere" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Pink Cashmere Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Ash Deep" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Ash Deep Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Dark Mauve" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Dark Mauve Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Dark Amethyst" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Dark Amethyst Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Royal Blue" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Royal Blue Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Dark Apricot" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Dark Apricot Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Copper Deep" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Copper Deep Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Gold Deep" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Gold Deep Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Black" {
@YOU changes mouthColor into Black Matte
goto LS_MatteColors_x
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto lip_stick_x
} "Done" {
goto hair_and_lip_x

label hair_styles_x

All hairstyles.

"Short Hair"{
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Mid-length Hair"{
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
}"Long Hair"{
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Styled Hair"{
goto hair_styles_x_Up
goto hair_and_lip_x

label hair_styles_x_Short

Short hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Afro" {
@YOU changes hair into Afro
goto hair_styles_x_Short
} "Short Afro" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Afro
goto hair_styles_x_Short
} "Classic Bob" {
@YOU changes hair into Classic Bob
goto hair_styles_x_Short
} "Curly Bob" {
@YOU changes hair into Curly Bob
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Faux Hawk" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Faux Hawk Solid
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Fade" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Curly Fade
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Pixie" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Pixie
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Punk Pixie" {
@YOU changes hair into Punk Pixie
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Short Wavy" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Wavy Hair Solid
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Blunt Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Blunt Bangs Short
goto hair_styles_x_Short
} "Wavy Side Shaved" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Wavy Side Shave
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Curly Blow Out" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Curly Blow Out
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Crew Cut" {
@YOU changes hair into Crew Cut
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Short Fringe" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Layered Fringe
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Straight Tucked" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Straight Tucked
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Emo Pixie" {
@YOU changes hair into Emo Pixie
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Bantu Knots" {
@YOU changes hair into Bantu Knots
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Conservative Cut" {
@YOU changes hair into Conservative Cut
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Parted Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Bang Short Hair
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Side Part Curly" {
@YOU changes hair into Side Part Curly Asymmetrical
goto hair_styles_x_Short
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x

label hair_styles_x_Medium

Medium hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Braided" {
@YOU changes hair into Medium Braided
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
}"Medium Dreadlocks" {
@YOU changes hair into Medium Dreadlocks
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
}"Hair Flip" {
@YOU changes hair into Hair Flip
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
}"Straight" {
@YOU changes hair into Straight Medium
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Lob Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Lob Bangs Blunt
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
}"Overgrown Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Medium Straight Overgrown Bangs
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
}"Wavy Ombre" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Wavy Ombre
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
}"Medium Curly" {
@YOU changes hair into Medium Curly Solid
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Voluminous Curls" {
@YOU changes hair into Voluminous Curls
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
} "Parted Wavy" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Wavy Asymmetrical
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
} "Wavy Side Curls" {
@YOU changes hair into Wavy Side Curls
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
} "Layered Wavy Bob" {
@YOU changes hair into Layered Wavy Bob
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Straight Down" {
@YOU changes hair into Medium Straight Down
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
} "Shoulder Curly" {
@YOU changes hair into Medium Shoulder Curly
goto hair_styles_x_Medium
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x

label hair_styles_x_Long

Long hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Beach Wave" {
@YOU changes hair into Beach Wave Hair
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Long Braided" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Braided
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Long Dreadlocks" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Dreadlocks
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Feathered" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Feathered
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Long Blunt Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Straight Loose Bangs Blunt Solid
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Sideswept Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Straight Loose Bangs Sideswept Solid
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Straight" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Straight Loose Solid
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Wavy Long" {
@YOU changes hair into Wavy Long
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Wavy Parted" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Wavy Parted Hair
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Feathered Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Feathered Bangs Blunt
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Braided Dreads Parted" {
@YOU changes hair into Dreads Braided
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Long Voluminous Curls" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Voluminous Curls Loose
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Long Curls" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Curls
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Wavy Princess Braid" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Down Wavy Princess Braid
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Bouffant Wavy" {
@YOU changes hair into Bouffant Long Wavy
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Loose Curls" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Loose Curls
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Wavy Blowout" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Wavy Blowout
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Side Shave" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Side Shave
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Scene Hair" {
@YOU changes hair into Scene Swoosh
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Slicked Back" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Straight Slicked Back
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Thick Curls" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Thick Curls
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Loose Bangs Sideswept" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Wavy Loose Bangs Sideswept
goto hair_styles_x_Long
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x

label hair_styles_x_Up

Updo hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Braided Bun" {
@YOU changes hair into Braided Bun
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Short Ponytail" {
@YOU changes hair into Short High Ponytail
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Long Ponytail" {
@YOU changes hair into Long High Ponytail
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Morning Updo" {
@YOU changes hair into Morning Updo
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Small Bun" {
@YOU changes hair into Small Bun
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Double Dutch Braids" {
@YOU changes hair into Long Double Dutch Braids
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Pinup Rolls" {
@YOU changes hair into Pinup Victory Rolls
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Sleek Ponytail" {
@YOU changes hair into Sleek Ponytail
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Shoulder Braid" {
@YOU changes hair into Over Shoulder Braid
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Full Pigtail" {
@YOU changes hair into Full Pigtail
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Updo Braids" {
@YOU changes hair into Braids Updo
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Double Buns" {
@YOU changes hair into Double Buns
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Double Afro Puffs" {
@YOU changes hair into Curly Double Afro Puffs
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Curly Bun Half-up" {
@YOU changes hair into Medium Shoulder Curly Bun Hair
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Messy Sock Bun" {
@YOU changes hair into Messy Sock Bun
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Messy Ponytail" {
@YOU changes hair into Short Messy Pony Tail
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Blunt Bangs Ponytail" {
@YOU changes hair into Pony Tail Blunt Bangs
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Side Swept Updo" {
@YOU changes hair into Side Swept Updo Long
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Long Wavy Updo" {
@YOU changes hair into Updo Pony Wavy Long
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Punk Hair" {
@YOU changes hair into Cropped Punk Cut
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x
goto hair_and_lip_x
"Updo Low Bun" {
@YOU changes hair into Updo
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Updo Curly Messy" {
@YOU changes hair into Updo Curly Messy
goto hair_styles_x_Up
}"Updo Twist Bangs" {
@YOU changes hair into Updo High Twist Bangs Blunt
goto hair_styles_x_Up
goto hair_and_lip_x
}"Back to Styles"{
goto hair_styles_x

label hair_and_lip_x_end_x
Is this the look you're going for?
"Yes, I look perfect!" {
readerMessage Follow @dara.amarie.ep on Instagram! with messageTitle Hair & Lip Template Credit
} "No, I want to try something different." {
goto hair_and_lip_x
volume music 0 1000

&YOU walks to spot 0.825 66 175 in 1.5

@transition fade out black 1

@cut to zone 5 and zoom reset

@pause for a beat

INT. VAULT BAR - NIGHT with VAULT BAR at layer 1 with VAULT CHAIRS at layer 4 with VAULT TABLE at layer 6 with EP1 TEXT 2 at layer 7 with EP1 TEXT at layer 7

@BREE changes into Bree Party
@JOURDAN changes into Sasha Party
@KINSLEY changes into Kinsley Party
@EMILIA changes into Emilia Party

music music_aggropop
volume music 0 0
volume music 50 0

@cut to zone 2 and zoom reset

&overlay 5212666301906944_EP1 TEXT 2 shifts to -8 280 in zone 2
&overlay 5212666301906944_EP1 TEXT 2 scales to 0.748 0.748

&overlay 5212666301906944_EP1 TEXT shifts to -8 253 in zone 2
&overlay 5212666301906944_EP1 TEXT scales to 0.748 0.748

&overlay EP1 TEXT opacity 0 in 0
&overlay EP1 TEXT 2 opacity 0 in 0

@EMILIA spot 1.073 168 108 in zone 2 at layer 2 and EMILIA faces left

@YOU spot 1.073 75 108 in zone 2 at layer 3 and YOU faces right and YOU starts search_neutral

@BGMALE1 spot 0.965 294 184 in zone 2 at layer 0 and BGMALE1 faces right and BGMALE1 starts talk_neutral_loop
@BGFEMALE1 spot 1.316 256 -143 in zone 2 at layer 5 and BGFEMALE1 faces left and BGFEMALE1 starts text_phone_neutral_loop
@BGFEMALE2 spot 1.721 68 -434 in zone 2 at layer 7 and BGFEMALE2 starts idle_armscrossed_neutral_loop and BGFEMALE2 faces left

@transition fade in black 1

@pause for a beat

@zoom on 366 366 to 159% in 0.5

@pause for 0.5

@speechbubble is 183 260 to 100% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_shrug_concerned)
I thought you said I'd know people here.

YOU (talk_doubtful)
Who are all these people?

@speechbubble is 154 265 to 100% with tail_top_right

EMILIA (talk_explain_neutral)
I told you the social scene had changed around here.

&EMILIA is idle

@speechbubble is 183 260 to 100% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_deny_neutral)
There's change and then there's total social lobotomy.

YOU (talk_shrug_neutral)
I thought people would be pleased to see me, but they don't even know who I am.

&YOU is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

@speechbubble reset

sound phone_vibrate_text

| bold , italic |**buzz buzz**

&zoom on 338 405 to 238% in 0.5

@YOU is read_phone_neutral_loop

@overlay EP1 TEXT 2 opacity 1 in 0.5

@pause for 0.5

@YOU is read_phone_sad_loop

@overlay EP1 TEXT opacity 1 in 0.5

@pause for 1.5

@YOU is deepbreath

&overlay EP1 TEXT opacity 0 in 0.5
&overlay EP1 TEXT 2 opacity 0 in 0.5

@zoom on 375 369 to 166% in 0.5

@speechbubble is 154 265 to 100% with tail_top_right

EMILIA (talk_shrug_neutral)
What's wrong?

@speechbubble is 183 260 to 100% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_deny_neutral)

YOU (talk_think_neutral)
I'm going to find Bree. I think I see her at the bar.

&YOU is idle_shiftweight_neutral_loop

@speechbubble is 154 265 to 100% with tail_top_right

EMILIA (talk_awkward_loop)
[NAME]? Before you go...

&EMILIA is idle_awkward_scratch_loop

@speechbubble is 183 260 to 100% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_shrug_neutral)

@speechbubble is 154 265 to 100% with tail_top_right

EMILIA (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
Just... good luck with her.

@transition iris out black 1

@cut to zone 5 and zoom reset

@pause for a beat


@BREE spot 0.875 184 183 in zone 1 at layer 1 and BREE faces right and BREE starts rear

@JOURDAN spot 0.875 103 186 in zone 1 at layer 0 and JOURDAN faces left and JOURDAN starts rear
@KINSLEY spot 0.875 42 180 in zone 1 at layer 1 and KINSLEY faces left and KINSLEY starts talk_handsonhips_neutral_rear

@YOU spot 1.280 -69 -96 in zone 1 at layer 3

@zoom on 0 338 to 148% in 0

@transition fade in black 1

@zoom on 37 328 to 167% in 1

@speechbubble is 126 253 to 95% with tail_top_right

JOURDAN (talk_neutral_loop_rear)
[NAME] probably thinks we've all just been waiting for her return.

&JOURDAN is idle_rear

@speechbubble is 189 251 to 95% with tail_top_right

BREE (talk_neutral_loop_rear)
Right. Like none of us could ever have a life without her.

&BREE is idle_rear

@speechbubble is 167 231 to 95% with tail_top_left

KINSLEY (talk_handsonhips_neutral_rear)
She'll need some nerve to show up here tonight.

&YOU walks to spot 1.280 56 -100 in 1.5 and YOU does it while walk_neutral_loop_rear and YOU faces left then YOU is rear

@speechbubble is 126 253 to 95% with tail_top_right

JOURDAN (talk_neutral_loop_rear)
[NAME] has nerves of steel. She'd literally--

&JOURDAN is idle_rear

@speechbubble is 193 87 to 100% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_neutral_loop_rear)

&YOU is idle_rear

@zoom on 175 364 to 357% in 0.5

&BREE spot 0.880 173 177 and BREE faces left

@speechbubble is 135 202 to 100% with tail_top_right

BREE (react_startled_subtle)

&BREE is idle_awkward_uneasy_loop

@speechbubble reset

label female_custom_3

What does your (ex?) best friend Bree look like?

"Skin Tone" {
goto fem_skin_3
} "Hair" {
goto fem_hair_3
} "Eyes" {
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Eyebrows" {
goto fem_brows_3
} "Face" {
goto fem_face_3
} "Nose" {
goto fem_nose_3
} "Lips" {
goto fem_mouth_3
} "This is perfect!" {
goto female_3_end

####################### SKIN COLOR #######################

label fem_skin_3

All skin tones.

"Neutral Shades" {
goto fem_neutralskin_3
} "Rose Shades" {
goto fem_roseskin_3
} "Gold Shades" {
goto fem_goldskin_3
} "Copper Shades" {
goto fem_copperskin_3
} "Ash Shades" {
goto fem_ashskin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3

label fem_neutralskin_3

Neutral skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Neutral 00" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Neutral 00
goto fem_neutralskin_3
} "Neutral 01" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Neutral 01
goto fem_neutralskin_3
} "Neutral 02" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Neutral 02
goto fem_neutralskin_3
} "Neutral 03" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Neutral 03
goto fem_neutralskin_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Neutral 04" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Neutral 04
goto fem_neutralskin_3
} "Neutral 05" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Neutral 05
goto fem_neutralskin_3
} "Neutral 06" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Neutral 06
goto fem_neutralskin_3
} "Neutral 07" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Neutral 07
goto fem_neutralskin_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Neutral 08" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Neutral 08
goto fem_neutralskin_3
} "Neutral 09" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Neutral 09
goto fem_neutralskin_3
} "Neutral 10" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Neutral 10
goto fem_neutralskin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3

label fem_roseskin_3

Rose skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Rose 00" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Rose 00
goto fem_roseskin_3
} "Rose 01" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Rose 01
goto fem_roseskin_3
} "Rose 02" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Rose 02
goto fem_roseskin_3
} "Rose 03" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Rose 03
goto fem_roseskin_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Rose 04" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Rose 04
goto fem_roseskin_3
} "Rose 05" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Rose 05
goto fem_roseskin_3
} "Rose 06" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Rose 06
goto fem_roseskin_3
} "Rose 07" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Rose 07
goto fem_roseskin_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Rose 08" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Rose 08
goto fem_roseskin_3
} "Rose 09" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Rose 09
goto fem_roseskin_3
} "Rose 10" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Rose 10
goto fem_roseskin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3

label fem_goldskin_3

Gold skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Gold 00" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Gold 00
goto fem_goldskin_3
} "Gold 01" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Gold 01
goto fem_goldskin_3
} "Gold 02" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Gold 02
goto fem_goldskin_3
} "Gold 03" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Gold 03
goto fem_goldskin_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Gold 04" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Gold 04
goto fem_goldskin_3
} "Gold 05" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Gold 05
goto fem_goldskin_3
} "Gold 06" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Gold 06
goto fem_goldskin_3
} "Gold 07" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Gold 07
goto fem_goldskin_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Gold 08" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Gold 08
goto fem_goldskin_3
} "Gold 09" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Gold 09
goto fem_goldskin_3
} "Gold 10" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Gold 10
goto fem_goldskin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3

label fem_copperskin_3

Copper skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Copper 00" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Copper 00
goto fem_copperskin_3
} "Copper 01" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Copper 01
goto fem_copperskin_3
} "Copper 02" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Copper 02
goto fem_copperskin_3
} "Copper 03" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Copper 03
goto fem_copperskin_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Copper 04" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Copper 04
goto fem_copperskin_3
} "Copper 05" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Copper 05
goto fem_copperskin_3
} "Copper 06" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Copper 06
goto fem_copperskin_3
} "Copper 07" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Copper 07
goto fem_copperskin_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Copper 08" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Copper 08
goto fem_copperskin_3
} "Copper 09" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Copper 09
goto fem_copperskin_3
} "Copper 10" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Copper 10
goto fem_copperskin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3

label fem_ashskin_3

Ash skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Ash 00" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Ash 00
goto fem_ashskin_3
} "Ash 01" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Ash 01
goto fem_ashskin_3
} "Ash 02" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Ash 02
goto fem_ashskin_3
} "Ash 03" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Ash 03
goto fem_ashskin_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Ash 04" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Ash 04
goto fem_ashskin_3
} "Ash 05" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Ash 05
goto fem_ashskin_3
} "Ash 06" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Ash 06
goto fem_ashskin_3
} "Ash 07" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Ash 07
goto fem_ashskin_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Ash 08" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Ash 08
goto fem_ashskin_3
} "Ash 09" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Ash 09
goto fem_ashskin_3
} "Ash 10" {
@BREE changes bodyColor into Ash 10
goto fem_ashskin_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
} "Different Shades" {
goto fem_skin_3

####################### EYEBROWS #######################

label fem_brows_3

Eyebrow shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Arched Natural"{
@BREE changes eyebrows into Arched Natural
goto fem_brows_3
}"Arched Thick"{
@BREE changes eyebrows into Arched Thick Styled
goto fem_brows_3
}"Arched Thin"{
@BREE changes eyebrows into Arched Thin
goto fem_brows_3
}"Arched Thin High"{
@BREE changes eyebrows into Arched Thin High
goto fem_brows_3
} "Change Color" {
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3
"Round Medium"{
@BREE changes eyebrows into Round Medium
goto fem_brows_3
}"Round Thick"{
@BREE changes eyebrows into Round Thick
goto fem_brows_3
}"Round Thin High"{
@BREE changes eyebrows into Round Thin High
goto fem_brows_3
}"Straight Medium"{
@BREE changes eyebrows into Straight Medium
goto fem_brows_3
} "Change Color" {
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3
"Arched Natural Scar"{
@BREE changes eyebrows into Arched Natural Scar
goto fem_brows_3
}"High Arch Angled"{
@BREE changes eyebrows into High Arch Angled
goto fem_brows_3
}"Arched Short"{
@BREE changes eyebrows into Arched Short
goto fem_brows_3
}"Bushy Thick"{
@BREE changes eyebrows into Bushy Thick
goto fem_brows_3
} "Change Color" {
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3

####################### EYEBROW COLOR #######################

label fem_browscolor_3

Eyebrow colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Dirty Blonde" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Dirty Blonde
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Honey Blonde" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Honey Blonde
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Platinum Blonde" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Platinum Blonde
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Strawberry Blonde" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Strawberry Blonde
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Blonde Medium" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Blonde Medium
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Chestnut Brown" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Chestnut Brown
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Dark Brown" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Dark Brown
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Deep Brown" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Deep Brown
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Light Brown" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Light Brown
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Dark Black" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Black Dark
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Jet Black" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into blackJet
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Light Pink" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Pink Lt
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Lavender" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Purple Lilac
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Mint" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Green Mint
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Ginger Red" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Ginger Red
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Copper Red" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Copper Red
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Gray" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into Gray
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "White" {
@BREE changes eyebrowsColor into White
goto fem_browscolor_3
} "Brow Shapes" {
goto fem_brows_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3

####################### FACE SHAPE #######################

label fem_face_3

Face shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Diamond" {
@BREE changes face into Diamond
goto fem_face_3
} "Long Diamond" {
@BREE changes face into Diamond Long
goto fem_face_3
} "Defined Diamond" {
@BREE changes face into Diamond Defined Contour
goto fem_face_3
} "Defined Heart" {
@BREE changes face into Heart Defined
goto fem_face_3
} "Defined Squared" {
@BREE changes face into Square Defined
goto fem_face_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3
"Soft Heart" {
@BREE changes face into Heart Soft
goto fem_face_3
} "Defined Triangle" {
@BREE changes face into Triangle Defined
goto fem_face_3
} "Mature Square" {
@BREE changes face into Square Mature
goto fem_face_3
} "Mature Heart" {
@BREE changes face into Heart Mature
goto fem_face_3
} "Soft Round" {
@BREE changes face into Round Soft
goto fem_face_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3
"Double Chin" {
@BREE changes face into Heart Mature Double Chin
goto fem_face_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3
"Round Puffy" {
@BREE changes face into Round Puffy Cheek
goto fem_face_3

####################### EYE SHAPE #######################

label fem_eyes_3

Eye shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Round Wide" {
@BREE changes eyes into Round Downturned Wide
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Round Medium" {
@BREE changes eyes into Round Medium
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Sharp Almond" {
@BREE changes eyes into Sharp Almond
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Generic" {
@BREE changes eyes into Female Generic
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Change Color"{
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3
"Deepset Downturned" {
@BREE changes eyes into Deepset Downturned
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Deepset Wide" {
@BREE changes eyes into Deepset Upturned Wide
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Deepset Almond" {
@BREE changes eyes into Deepset Almond
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Monolid Defined" {
@BREE changes eyes into Monolid Defined
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Change Color"{
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3
"Monolid Slender" {
@BREE changes eyes into Monolid Slender
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Angular Slender" {
@BREE changes eyes into Angular Slender
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Almond Slender" {
@BREE changes eyes into Hooded Slender Almond
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Almond Slender Eyeliner" {
@BREE changes eyes into Hooded Slender Almond Eyeliner
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Change Color"{
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3
"Deepset Mature" {
@BREE changes eyes into Deepset Mature
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Deepset Smokey Eye" {
@BREE changes eyes into Deep Set False Lashes Smokey Eye
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Change Color"{
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3

####################### EYE COLOR #######################

label fem_eyecolor_3

Eye colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Black" {
@BREE changes eyesColor into Brown Black
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Dark Brown" {
@BREE changes eyesColor into Brown Dark
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Light Brown" {
@BREE changes eyesColor into Brown Light
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Pale Brown" {
@BREE changes eyesColor into Brown Pale
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Eye Shapes" {
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3
"Ice Blue" {
@BREE changes eyesColor into Ice Blue
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Aqua Blue" {
@BREE changes eyesColor into Blue Aqua
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Deep Blue" {
@BREE changes eyesColor into Blue Deep
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Blue Green" {
@BREE changes eyesColor into Blue Green
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Eye Shapes" {
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3
"Silver" {
@BREE changes eyesColor into Grey Cool
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Green" {
@BREE changes eyesColor into Green Emerald
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Hazel" {
@BREE changes eyesColor into Hazel
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Dark Hazel" {
@BREE changes eyesColor into Hazel Dark
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Eye Shapes" {
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3
"Red" {
@BREE changes eyesColor into Red
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Violet" {
@BREE changes eyesColor into Violet
goto fem_eyecolor_3
} "Eye Shapes" {
goto fem_eyes_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3

####################### MOUTH SHAPE #######################

label fem_mouth_3

Lip shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Full Heart" {
@BREE changes mouth into Full Heart Pouty
goto fem_mouth_3
}"Full Round" {
@BREE changes mouth into Full Round Pouty
goto fem_mouth_3
}"Medium Heart" {
@BREE changes mouth into Medium Heart Natural
goto fem_mouth_3
}"Medium Thin" {
@BREE changes mouth into Medium Thin
goto fem_mouth_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3
"Thin Heart" {
@BREE changes mouth into Thin Heart
goto fem_mouth_3
}"Small Heart" {
@BREE changes mouth into Small Heart
goto fem_mouth_3
}"Flat Round" {
@BREE changes mouth into Full Round Flat Top Skin
goto fem_mouth_3
}"Medium Downturned" {
@BREE changes mouth into Medium Downturned Pout
goto fem_mouth_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3
"Full Flat Top" {
@BREE changes mouth into Full Flat Top Pouty
goto fem_mouth_3
}"Full Wide" {
@BREE changes mouth into Full Wide
goto fem_mouth_3
}"Heart Shaped" {
@BREE changes mouth into Heart Shaped Pout
goto fem_mouth_3
}"Heart with Braces" {
@BREE changes mouth into Heart Shaped Pout Braces
goto fem_mouth_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3

####################### MOUTH COLOR #######################

label fem_mouthcolor_3

All lip colors.

"Natural" {
goto fem_NaturalColors_3
} "Gloss" {
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Matte" {
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
} "Lip Shapes" {
goto fem_mouth_3

label fem_NaturalColors_3

Natural lip colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Fair Rose" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Fair Rose Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_3
} "Fair Neutral" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Fair Neutral Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_3
} "Fair Gold" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Fair Gold Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_3
} "Beige Light Gold" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Beige Light Gold Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Beige Gold" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Beige Gold Matte
goto fem_NaturalColors_3
} "Beige Rose" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Beige Rose
goto fem_NaturalColors_3
} "Beige Deep Neutral" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Beige Deep Neutral
goto fem_NaturalColors_3
} "Tan Deep Gold" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Gold
goto fem_NaturalColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Tan Deep Neutral" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Tan Deep Neutral
goto fem_NaturalColors_3
} "Brown Neutral" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Brown Neutral
goto fem_NaturalColors_3
} "Brown Gold" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Brown Gold
goto fem_NaturalColors_3
} "Brown Deep Gold" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Gold
goto fem_NaturalColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Brown Deep Rose" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Brown Deep Rose
goto fem_NaturalColors_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3

label fem_GlossColors_3

Gloss lipstick colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Peach" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Peach Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Light Peach" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Lt Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Beige Pink" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Medium Pink" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Warm Pink" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Hot Pink" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Deep Pink" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Pink Peach" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Medium Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Neutral Nude" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Neutral Medium Nude Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Light Nude" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Rose Light Nude Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Medium Nude" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Rose Medium Nude Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Dark Nude" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Rose Dark Nude Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Rose" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Rose Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Mauve" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Mauve Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Pastel Purple" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Deep Purple" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Purple Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Red" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Red Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Deep Red" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Red Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Plum" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Plum Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Violet" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Violet Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Blood Orange" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Blood Orange Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Red Garnet" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Red Garnet Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Blackberry" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Blackberry Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Pink Cashmere" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Cashmere Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Ash Deep" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Ash Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Dark Mauve" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Dark Mauve Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Dark Amethyst" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Dark Amethyst Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Royal Blue" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Royal Blue Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Dark Apricot" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Dark Apricot Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Copper Deep" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Copper Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Gold Deep" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Gold Deep Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Black" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Black Gloss
goto fem_GlossColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3

label fem_MatteColors_3

Matte lipstick colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Peach" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Peach Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Light Peach" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Light Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Beige Pink" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Beige Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Medium Pink" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Medium Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Warm Pink" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Warm Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Hot Pink" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Hot Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Deep Pink" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Pink Peach" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Peach Medium Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Neutral Nude" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Neutral Medium Nude Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Light Nude" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Rose Light Nude Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Medium Nude" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Rose Medium Nude Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Dark Nude" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Rose Dark Nude Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Rose" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Rose Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Mauve" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Mauve Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Pastel Purple" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Purple Pastel Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Deep Purple" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Purple Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Red" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Red Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Deep Red" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Red Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Plum" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Plum Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Violet" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Violet Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Blood Orange" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Blood Orange Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Red Garnet" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Red Garnet Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Blackberry" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Blackberry Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Pink Cashmere" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Pink Cashmere Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Ash Deep" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Ash Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Dark Mauve" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Dark Mauve Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Dark Amethyst" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Dark Amethyst Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Royal Blue" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Royal Blue Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Dark Apricot" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Dark Apricot Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Copper Deep" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Copper Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Gold Deep" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Gold Deep Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Black" {
@BREE changes mouthColor into Black Matte
goto fem_MatteColors_3
} "Try Other Colors" {
goto fem_mouthcolor_3
} "Done" {
goto female_custom_3

####################### NOSE SHAPE #######################

label fem_nose_3

Nose shapes.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Defined Natural" {
@BREE changes nose into Defined Natural
goto fem_nose_3
} "Grecian Soft" {
@BREE changes nose into Grecian Soft
goto fem_nose_3
} "Round Broad" {
@BREE changes nose into Round Broad
goto fem_nose_3
} "Round Button" {
@BREE changes nose into Round Button
goto fem_nose_3
} "Round Button Upturned" {
@BREE changes nose into Round Button Upturned
goto fem_nose_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3
"Round Downturned" {
@BREE changes nose into Round Downturned
goto fem_nose_3
} "Round Flared Upturned" {
@BREE changes nose into Round Flared Upturned
goto fem_nose_3
} "Round Flared Downturned" {
@BREE changes nose into Round Flared Downturned
goto fem_nose_3
} "Pointed Downturned" {
@BREE changes nose into Pointed Downturned
goto fem_nose_3
} "Broad Wide" {
@BREE changes nose into Broad Wide
goto fem_nose_3
} "Done"{
goto female_custom_3

####################### HAIR STYLE #######################

label fem_hair_3

All hairstyles.

"Short Hair"{
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Mid-length Hair"{
goto fem_hairMedium_3
}"Long Hair"{
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Styled Hair"{
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
goto female_custom_3

label fem_hairShort_3

Short hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Afro" {
@BREE changes hair into Afro
goto fem_hairShort_3
} "Short Afro" {
@BREE changes hair into Short Afro
goto fem_hairShort_3
} "Classic Bob" {
@BREE changes hair into Classic Bob
goto fem_hairShort_3
} "Curly Bob" {
@BREE changes hair into Curly Bob
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Faux Hawk" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Faux Hawk Solid
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Fade" {
@BREE changes hair into Short Curly Fade
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Pixie" {
@BREE changes hair into Short Pixie
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Punk Pixie" {
@BREE changes hair into Punk Pixie
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Short Wavy" {
@BREE changes hair into Short Wavy Hair Solid
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Blunt Bangs" {
@BREE changes hair into Blunt Bangs Short
goto fem_hairShort_3
} "Wavy Side Shaved" {
@BREE changes hair into Short Wavy Side Shave
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Curly Blow Out" {
@BREE changes hair into Short Curly Blow Out
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Crew Cut" {
@BREE changes hair into Crew Cut
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Short Fringe" {
@BREE changes hair into Short Layered Fringe
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Straight Tucked" {
@BREE changes hair into Short Straight Tucked
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Emo Pixie" {
@BREE changes hair into Emo Pixie
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Bantu Knots" {
@BREE changes hair into Bantu Knots
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Conservative Cut" {
@BREE changes hair into Conservative Cut
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Parted Bangs" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Bang Short Hair
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Side Part Curly" {
@BREE changes hair into Side Part Curly Asymmetrical
goto fem_hairShort_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3

label fem_hairMedium_3

Medium hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Braided" {
@BREE changes hair into Medium Braided
goto fem_hairMedium_3
}"Medium Dreadlocks" {
@BREE changes hair into Medium Dreadlocks
goto fem_hairMedium_3
}"Hair Flip" {
@BREE changes hair into Hair Flip
goto fem_hairMedium_3
}"Straight" {
@BREE changes hair into Straight Medium
goto fem_hairMedium_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Lob Bangs" {
@BREE changes hair into Lob Bangs Blunt
goto fem_hairMedium_3
}"Overgrown Bangs" {
@BREE changes hair into Medium Straight Overgrown Bangs
goto fem_hairMedium_3
}"Wavy Ombre" {
@BREE changes hair into Short Wavy Ombre
goto fem_hairMedium_3
}"Medium Curly" {
@BREE changes hair into Medium Curly Solid
goto fem_hairMedium_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Voluminous Curls" {
@BREE changes hair into Voluminous Curls
goto fem_hairMedium_3
} "Parted Wavy" {
@BREE changes hair into Short Wavy Asymmetrical
goto fem_hairMedium_3
} "Wavy Side Curls" {
@BREE changes hair into Wavy Side Curls
goto fem_hairMedium_3
} "Layered Wavy Bob" {
@BREE changes hair into Layered Wavy Bob
goto fem_hairMedium_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Straight Down" {
@BREE changes hair into Medium Straight Down
goto fem_hairMedium_3
} "Shoulder Curly" {
@BREE changes hair into Medium Shoulder Curly
goto fem_hairMedium_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3

label fem_hairLong_3

Long hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Beach Wave" {
@BREE changes hair into Beach Wave Hair
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Long Braided" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Braided
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Long Dreadlocks" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Dreadlocks
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Feathered" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Feathered
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Long Blunt Bangs" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Straight Loose Bangs Blunt Solid
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Sideswept Bangs" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Straight Loose Bangs Sideswept Solid
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Straight" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Straight Loose Solid
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Wavy Long" {
@BREE changes hair into Wavy Long
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Wavy Parted" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Wavy Parted Hair
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Feathered Bangs" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Feathered Bangs Blunt
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Braided Dreads Parted" {
@BREE changes hair into Dreads Braided
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Long Voluminous Curls" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Voluminous Curls Loose
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Long Curls" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Curls
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Wavy Princess Braid" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Down Wavy Princess Braid
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Bouffant Wavy" {
@BREE changes hair into Bouffant Long Wavy
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Loose Curls" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Loose Curls
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Wavy Blowout" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Wavy Blowout
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Side Shave" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Side Shave
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Scene Hair" {
@BREE changes hair into Scene Swoosh
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Slicked Back" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Straight Slicked Back
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Thick Curls" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Thick Curls
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Loose Bangs Sideswept" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Wavy Loose Bangs Sideswept
goto fem_hairLong_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3

label fem_hairUp_3

Updo hairstyles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Braided Bun" {
@BREE changes hair into Braided Bun
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Short Ponytail" {
@BREE changes hair into Short High Ponytail
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Long Ponytail" {
@BREE changes hair into Long High Ponytail
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Morning Updo" {
@BREE changes hair into Morning Updo
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Small Bun" {
@BREE changes hair into Small Bun
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Double Dutch Braids" {
@BREE changes hair into Long Double Dutch Braids
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Pinup Rolls" {
@BREE changes hair into Pinup Victory Rolls
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Sleek Ponytail" {
@BREE changes hair into Sleek Ponytail
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Shoulder Braid" {
@BREE changes hair into Over Shoulder Braid
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Full Pigtail" {
@BREE changes hair into Full Pigtail
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Updo Braids" {
@BREE changes hair into Braids Updo
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Double Buns" {
@BREE changes hair into Double Buns
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Double Afro Puffs" {
@BREE changes hair into Curly Double Afro Puffs
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Curly Bun Half-up" {
@BREE changes hair into Medium Shoulder Curly Bun Hair
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Messy Sock Bun" {
@BREE changes hair into Messy Sock Bun
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Messy Ponytail" {
@BREE changes hair into Short Messy Pony Tail
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Blunt Bangs Ponytail" {
@BREE changes hair into Pony Tail Blunt Bangs
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Side Swept Updo" {
@BREE changes hair into Side Swept Updo Long
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Long Wavy Updo" {
@BREE changes hair into Updo Pony Wavy Long
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Punk Hair" {
@BREE changes hair into Cropped Punk Cut
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
"Updo Low Bun" {
@BREE changes hair into Updo
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Updo Curly Messy" {
@BREE changes hair into Updo Curly Messy
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Updo Twist Bangs" {
@BREE changes hair into Updo High Twist Bangs Blunt
goto fem_hairUp_3
}"Back to Styles"{
goto fem_hair_3
}"Change Color"{
goto fem_haircolor_3

####################### HAIR COLOR #######################

label fem_haircolor_3

All hair colors.

goto fem_hairDark_3
}"Light" {
goto fem_hairLight_3
goto fem_hairDye_3
goto female_custom_3
} "Back to Styles" {
goto fem_hair_3

label fem_hairDark_3

Dark hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Light Brown" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Light Brown
goto fem_hairDark_3
}"Warm Brown" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Medium Warm Brown
goto fem_hairDark_3
}"Medium Brown" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Medium Brown
goto fem_hairDark_3
}"Chestnut Brown"{
@BREE changes hairColor into Chestnut Brown
goto fem_hairDark_3
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
goto female_custom_3
"Dark Brown"{
@BREE changes hairColor into Dark Brown
goto fem_hairDark_3
}"Brunette Brown"{
@BREE changes hairColor into Brunette Brown
goto fem_hairDark_3
}"Ginger Red" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Ginger Red
goto fem_hairDark_3
}"Burgundy Red" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Burgundy Red
goto fem_hairDark_3
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
goto female_custom_3
"Deep Brown" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Deep Brown
goto fem_hairDark_3
}"Brown Black" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Brown Black
goto fem_hairDark_3
}"Dark Black" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Black Dark
goto fem_hairDark_3
}"Jet Black" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Black Jet
goto fem_hairDark_3
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
goto female_custom_3

label fem_hairLight_3

Light hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Platinum Blonde" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Platinum Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_3
}"Dirty Blonde" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Dirty Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_3
}"Honey Blonde" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Honey Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_3
}"Strawberry Blonde" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Strawberry Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_3
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
goto female_custom_3
"Medium Blonde" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Blonde Medium
goto fem_hairLight_3
}"Ash Blonde" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Ash Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_3
}"Peach Blonde" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Peach Blonde
goto fem_hairLight_3
}"Platinum White" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Platinum White
goto fem_hairLight_3
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
goto female_custom_3

label fem_hairDye_3

Dyed hair colors.

"Pink/Purple" {
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_3
}"Blue/Green" {
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_3
}"Red/Yellow" {
goto fem_hairDye_Red_3
}"White/Grey" {
goto fem_hairDye_White_3
}"Different Colors"{
goto fem_haircolor_3
goto female_custom_3

label fem_hairDye_Pink_3

Pink and purple hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Hot Pink" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Hot Pink
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_3
} "Light Pink" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Pink Lt
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_3
} "Warm Pink" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Warm Pink
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_3
} "Rose Gold" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Rose Gold
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_3
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_3
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Purple" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Red Purple
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_3
} "Purple Lilac" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Purple Lilac
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_3
} "Plum" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Plum
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_3
} "Dark Purple" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Purple
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_3
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_3
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Pastel Lavender" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Pastel Purple Lavender
goto fem_hairDye_Pink_3
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_3
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_3

label fem_hairDye_Blue_3

Blue and green hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Blue" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Blue
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_3
} "Light Blue" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Cornflower Blue
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_3
} "Aqua Blue" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Aqua Blue
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_3
} "Dark Blue" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Blue Black
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_3
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_3
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Green" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Green
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_3
} "Lime Green" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Yellow Green
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_3
} "Mint" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Mint
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_3
} "Aqua Green" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Aqua Green
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_3
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_3
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_3
"Pastel Blue" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Pastel Blue
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_3
} "Pastel Mint" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Pastel Mint
goto fem_hairDye_Blue_3
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_3
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_3

label fem_hairDye_Red_3

Red, yellow, & orange hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Yellow" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Yellow
goto fem_hairDye_Red_3
} "Orange" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Orange
goto fem_hairDye_Red_3
} "Red" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Red
goto fem_hairDye_Red_3
} "Copper Red" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Copper Red
goto fem_hairDye_Red_3
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_3
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_3

label fem_hairDye_White_3

White & grey hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
"Grey" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Cool Gray
goto fem_hairDye_White_3
} "Light Grey" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Aqua Gray
goto fem_hairDye_White_3
}"White" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Warm White
goto fem_hairDye_White_3
}"Ice" {
@BREE changes hairColor into Platinum Ice
goto fem_hairDye_White_3
}"Back to Dyed Colors"{
goto fem_hairDye_3
}"Done" {
goto female_custom_3

label female_3_end
Are you happy with how she looks?
"Yes, she looks gorgeous!" {
readerMessage Follow @dara.amarie.ep on Instagram! with messageTitle Customization Template Credit
} "No, I want to change something." {
goto female_custom_3

@zoom on 37 328 to 167% in 0.5

&JOURDAN spot 0.875 106 180 and JOURDAN faces right

@speechbubble is 232 241 to 95% with tail_top_left

JOURDAN (talk_startled_neutral)
[NAME]. You're back.

&JOURDAN is idle_awkward_scratch_loop

&KINSLEY faces right and KINSLEY spot 0.875 45 175

@speechbubble is 174 219 to 95% with tail_top_left

KINSLEY (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
So soon. We weren't expecting to see you.

&KINSLEY is idle_awkward_uneasy_loop

@speechbubble is 193 87 to 100% with tail_top_left


YOU (talk_neutral_loop_rear)
Can we talk, Bree?

&YOU is idle_rear

@speechbubble is 188 267 to 92% with tail_top_right

BREE (talk_shrug_concerned)
Not sure what there is to talk about.

@speechbubble is 193 87 to 100% with tail_top_left

YOU (talk_neutral_loop_rear)
It's been a while. We'll figure it out.

&YOU is idle_rear

@speechbubble is 188 267 to 92% with tail_top_right

BREE (eyeroll_sarcastic)
Fine. Follow me outside.

&BREE walks to spot 0.880 248 177 in 1

@pause for 0.5

@transition fade out black 1

@cut to zone 5 and zoom reset

@pause for a beat


music music_serioustechno
volume music 0 0
volume music 50 0

@YOU spot 1.100 237 62 and YOU faces left and YOU starts idle_happy_loop

@BREE spot 1.118 126 55 and BREE faces right and BREE starts idle_armscrossed_angry_loop

@zoom on 238 216 to 142% in 0

@transition fade in black 1

@pause for 0.5

@speechbubble is 159 303 to 95% with tail_top_right

YOU (talk_neutral)
So, how have you been?

YOU (talk_agree_happy)
What's new? What's been going on around here?

&YOU is idle_happy_loop

@speechbubble is 167 300 to 95% with tail_top_left

BREE (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)
You talk, [NAME].

I know how much you love the sound of your own voice.

&BREE is idle_armscrossed_angry_loop

@speechbubble is 159 303 to 95% with tail_top_right

YOU (talk_gossip)
Well, actually, I--

@speechbubble reset

@zoom on 104 364 to 250% in 0.4

&YOU is idle

@BREE is yawn_bored

@pause for 2

@zoom on 285 352 to 250% in 0

YOU (talk_startled_neutral)
Excuse me? Did you just yawn?

&YOU is idle

@zoom on 104 364 to 250% in 0

BREE (talk_apathetic)
Yeah. It's the universal signal that you're bored.

&BREE is idle

@zoom on 285 352 to 250% in 0

YOU (talk_sarcastic)
Oh, I'm sorry. Am I boring you, Bree?

&YOU is idle

@zoom on 104 364 to 250% in 0

BREE (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)
You are, actually.

&YOU is idle_awkward_uneasy_loop

&BREE is idle_armscrossed_angry_loop

@zoom on 238 216 to 142% in 0.5

@pause for 0.5

@speechbubble is 167 300 to 95% with tail_top_left

BREE (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)
While you were gone, I had a lot of time to think.

I realized something key: your | bold , italic |"friendship"| reset | is something I don't need.

BREE (talk_argue_angry)
So, if you thought you could just pick me back up after you dropped me...

BREE (talk_angry)
| bold , italic , animation:shuffle-sideways:1 |Think again.

@speechbubble is 159 303 to 95% with tail_top_right

YOU (talk_deny_neutral)
I didn't drop you, Bree. I had to leave.

&YOU is idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop

@speechbubble is 167 300 to 95% with tail_top_left

BREE (talk_apathetic)
Oh, please. You always act like you have so much mystery...

BREE (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)
...but it sounds like the same old sh*t to me.

&BREE is idle_armscrossed_angry_loop

@speechbubble is 159 303 to 0% with tail_top_right

(Same old.)
"Don't talk to me like that." {
@speechbubble is 159 303 to 95% with tail_top_right

YOU (talk_repulsed)
Don't talk to me like that. You have no idea what I've been through.

&YOU is idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop

@speechbubble is 167 300 to 95% with tail_top_left

readerMessage Bree isn't happy! with messageTitle Bree -1

@BREE -1

BREE (talk_confused_mindblown)
Neither do you!

@BREE is deepbreath

@pause for a beat

BREE (talk_sarcastic)
Fine. If you want me to understand you, then tell me why you left.
} "I can see that you're hurt." {
@speechbubble is 159 303 to 95% with tail_top_right

YOU (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
I'm sorry, Bree. I can see that you're hurt.

&YOU is idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop

@speechbubble is 167 300 to 95% with tail_top_left

readerMessage Bree isn't happy! with messageTitle Bree -1

@BREE -1

BREE (talk_confused_mindblown)
I'm not hurt, I'm | bold , italic |p*ssed!

@BREE is deepbreath

@pause for a beat

BREE (talk_sarcastic)
Fine. If you're really sorry, then tell me why you left.
} "Our friendship is important." {
@speechbubble is 141 313 to 95% with tail_top_right

YOU (talk_explain_neutral)
Come on, Bree. You know how important our friendship is to me.

&YOU is idle_armscrossed_awkward_loop

readerMessage Bree isn't happy! with messageTitle Bree -1

@BREE -1

@speechbubble is 167 300 to 95% with tail_top_left

BREE (talk_confused_mindblown)
No, I don't!

@BREE is deepbreath

@pause for a beat

BREE (talk_sarcastic)
Fine. If it's so important, then tell me why you left.
@speechbubble is 159 303 to 95% with tail_top_right

YOU (talk_awkward_loop)
I'm not ready to talk about that yet.

&YOU is idle_awkward_scratch_loop

@speechbubble is 167 300 to 95% with tail_top_left

BREE (eyeroll_sarcastic)
See? I knew it.

@speechbubble reset

@zoom on 104 364 to 250% in 0.4

BREE (talk_doubtful)
Here's the thing, [NAME].

BREE (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)
I'm not the only one who did some thinking while you were gone.

Things have changed around here.

We're tired of you holding us back.

&BREE is idle_armscrossed_angry_loop

@zoom on 285 352 to 250% in 0

YOU (talk_startled_neutral)
What are you talking about?

&YOU is idle

@zoom on 104 364 to 250% in 0

BREE (talk_armscrossed_angry_loop)
There's a new social hierarchy.

We've moved on. You're not queen bee anymore.

BREE (talk_accuse_angry)
| bold , italic |Your reign is over.

&YOU is idle_terrified_loop

&BREE walks to spot 1.118 -35 51 in 1.5 and BREE does it while walk_angry_loop then remove BREE

@pause for 0.5

@zoom on 285 352 to 250% in 0.5

@pause for 1.5

@transition fade out black 1


@speechbubble reset

@pause for a beat

To be continued...

volume music 0 2000

@pause for a beat

| bold , italic |Credits:| reset | First class & apartment hallway by Cinnamon Toast; Bedroom background by; Dressing room & bar backgrounds by @amepisode

music off

Tales (2k lines)

					[set: PINKY "<align=center><color=#ff4dcc><font=ContrailOne>"]
[set: SILVERY "<align=center><color=#c0c0c0><font=ContrailOne>"]
[set: BLACKTEXT "<align=center><color=#000000><font=ContrailOne>"]
[set: EMILIA 30 -loadout]
[set: EMILIA.visual SHOW.basic]
[set: BOONE 40 -loadout]
[set: BOONE.visual SHOW.basic]
[set: LYDIA 20 -loadout]
[set: LYDIA.visual SHOW.basic]
[set: BREE 20 -loadout]
[set: BREE.visual SHOW.basic]
[set: TYRANT 0]
[set: OLIGARCH 0]
[set: MONARCH 0]

(fx: vfx_fade_black_transition -queue)
(fx: sfx_moody_idle_theme -on)
(location: CITY_DAY)
(enter: YOU)
(player: YOU)

You know this city doesn't actually belong to you...

...but it used to feel that way.

What's your name?
* <#act> Raina.
[set: NAME "Raina"]
* <#act> Olivia.
[set: NAME "Olivia"]
* <#act> Ava.
[set: NAME "Ava"]

What's your surname?
* <#act> Carlisle
[set: SURNAME "Carlisle"]
* <#act> Sinclair
[set: SURNAME "Sinclair"]
* <#act> Khan
[set: SURNAME "Khan"]

Your name is {NAME} {SURNAME}.


Your life here had always been an easy game.

You were queen of the social scene.


(fx: sfx_thunder_clap_ambient)

Due to unforeseen circumstances, you had to leave town for a while.

(fx: sfx_girl_scream)

You couldn't stay. Not after what happened.

(location: BLACKOUT)

But your self-imposed exile has to come to an end, and you're ready to 
   reclaim what's yours.

Or are you?

(fx: sfx_moody_idle_theme -off)
(fx: sfx_airport_ambient -on)
(fx: vfx_fade_black_transition -queue)
(location: AIRPORT_DAY, banner: AIRPORT_DAY)

You were expecting a warm welcome from your friends, but...

(fx: sfx_glass_breaking)

That's it? That's my welcome home parade?

There's no one here but your younger sister and your family's 
   decrepit driver.

(enter: EMILIA)


Emilia? Where is everyone?

I thought I told you to spread the word I was coming home.

I did spread the word. They couldn't make it.

What do you mean they couldn't make it?

You look around the room, hoping this is some kind of joke.

I've been gone all this time and they aren't even at the airport 
   to meet me?

I thought Bree would be here at least. She's supposed to be my 
   best friend.

A lot has changed in the last few months. You'll see.

In the meantime, I hope you don't mind the low key welcome back.
* [give: TYRANT] <#icy> Of course I mind! There's nobody here!
(fx: sfx_alert_negative)
I'm here, aren't I?
[take: EMILIA 5 : Emilia feels unappreciated by you.]
* [give: MONARCH] (Smug) <#charming> Low key isn't for me, but 
   I'll make up for it later.
(fx: sfx_chime)
You'll find the perfect opportunity. You always do.
[give: EMILIA : Emilia admires your confidence!]
* [give: OLIGARCH ] (Happy) <#charming> I don't mind at all. I'm 
   just happy to see you.
(fx: sfx_chime)
Really? You are?
[give: EMILIA : Emilia wants to be closer to you.]

{BLACKTEXT}Words and actions affect your relationship with others. 
   Improve relationships to unlock dialogue and story choices!

This isn't the high note you'd hope to hit with your arrival.

You wonder if there more surprises in store for you.

You said a lot of things have changed since I left. What did you 
   mean by that?

At first nobody knew what to do without you, but then...

But then what?

There's been a big hole in the social scene since you left.

[set: REIGN.visual SHOW.all]

A lot of people have tried to fill it.
* [give: MONARCH] (Smug) Now that I'm back, that's no longer 
I doubt people will give their popularity up that easily.

They won't have a choice.

* [give: OLIGARCH] (Smug) When you say tried you also mean 
   failed, right?
What can I say? Life went on without you, {NAME}.

Bet it was pretty empty.

* [give: TYRANT] (Bored) Whoever thinks they can challenge me 
   will fall in line.
It's not like you'll give them a choice.


[give: REIGN 2 : You've earned 2 Reign points! -result]

{BLACKTEXT}You've gained your first ^Reign points! You may gain 
   more depending on your choices.
{BLACKTEXT}Reign gives you social capital. You can spend Reign 
   points to get your way, spread a rumor, or learn a secret.
{BLACKTEXT}But Reign is limited. You need to decide when you 
   want to spend it.

Emilia takes your arm. She begins to lead you towards the exit.

(fx: sfx_airport_ambient -fin)
Come on, we have a car waiting for us. I'll fill you in on the 
   ride home.

(fx: vfx_fade_black_transition -queue)
(fx: sfx_upbeat_02_theme -on)

Feel like you're home yet?

The warm fuzzy feeling will last until I see Lydia.

You purse your lips. That name leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.

While we're on the subject, how has it been with that harpy?

Same as always, I guess. I've seen more of her than dad since you left.

He's been working a lot. But then what else is new?

Around here? Plenty, apparently.

(fx: sfx_phone_vibrate)
Your sister's phone starts to ring. She pulls it out of her pocket.

Sorry, I need to take this. I'll be right back.

(exit: EMILIA)

She hurries away, careful not to answer the call until she's 
   out of your earshot.

Can't take a phone call in front of me? Since when?

The elevator doors ping open.

You're greeted by the sight of an old favorite.

(enter: BOONE)

Boone? What are you doing here?

You've known Boone for years. He's always been a close friend. 
   A confidante.

He has your trust in ways most others don't.

I was just dropping something off for you. A little welcome home gift.

A gift? What is it?

You're always so suspicious.
* <#act> Very thoughtful of you. -> go_gift_thoughtful
* <#act> You always overdo it. -> go_gift_overdo

You can't help but appreciate Boone.

You're too good to me.
[give: BOONE 5 : Boone is glad to hear that.]

Who, me?

The welcome home gift is a nice touch, but I thought I'd see you 
   at the airport.

-> go_gift_knit

You aren't feeling Boone's gesture.

Was that really necessary? I've only been gone for 3 months.
[take: BOONE 5 : Boone doesn't appreciate that.]

3 months? Feels like it's been a lot longer than that.

A gift is one thing I guess. I thought I'd see you at the airport.

-> go_gift_knit


Is there some reason you didn't show?

You try to stare him out, but he looks away.

Well, I--

Emilia re-enters the room, tucking her cell phone into her pocket.

Whatever business she had, she's dealt with it.

(enter: EMILIA)
Boone. What a nice surprise.

Though I guess you're here to see {NAME}.

I just wanted to say sorry I couldn't make it to the airport.

Aw. How sweet.

Anyway, I should be on my way. I guess I'll see you both tonight.

What's happening tonight?

Just a few drinks with friends. A lot of people will be there.

Seems like the perfect way to welcome {NAME} back to town.
* <#act> I'll make a grand entrance.
(decide: ENTRAN

It is the perfect way. I couldn't have planned it better myself.

Oh how I love a grand entrance.
[give: REIGN 2 : You've earned 2 Reign points! -result]

(fx: sfx_alert_positive)
And we all love your grand entrances.

Yeah. All of us.

* <#act> I'm not sure about this...
(decide: ENTRANCE meh)

Maybe I should ease back into the social scene.

If things really have changed...
[give: REIGN 0 : You won't earn Reign points with actions 
   like that. -result]

(fx: sfx_alert_negative)
Ease back in? You?

Who are you and what have you done with {NAME}?

They stare at you in confusion. You feel your cheeks getting hot.

What? I'm tired from my flight, that's all.

Either way, I doubt you'll stay under the radar for long.

You never do.

Aww, thank you.

That wasn't a-- never mind.

Boone motions that it's time for him to leave.

I'll see you guys tonight.

You wave him off.

(exit: BOONE)
(fx: vfx_fade_black_transition -queue)

You feel your sister's eyes on you.

Why are you looking at me like that?

I was just wondering why you and Boone aren't...


{SILVERY}Choose who you're interested in!
* <#act> I don't want a boyfriend right now. (Guys only)
[give: GIVE_SLANE]

I don't want a boyfriend right now.
* <#act> We've been through this. You know I don't like men. 
   (Girls only)
[give: MC_GAY]

We've been through this. You know I don't like men.
* <#act> Plenty of other guys to keep me occupied. And girls too. 
[give: MC_BI]
[give: GIVE_SLANE]

Plenty of other guys to keep me occupied. And girls too.

* [if: MC_GAY] -> go_boone_no
* [else] -> go_boone_yes

Oh. So, you're still...

Assume everyday I wake up still as gay as I was yesterday.
* [give: OLIGARCH] (Neutral) He's nothing more than a friend to me.

Good. I mean, I'm glad.
[give: EMILIA 5: Emilia is relieved to hear that.]

I bet you are.
* [give: MONARCH] (Smug) You're the one with the crush on him.

What? I don't have a crush on Boone!
[give: EMILIA 5: Emilia thought you hadn't noticed.]

If you say so.

* [give: TYRANT] (Eyeroll) He's not my type. I've told you a 
   thousand times.
I was just asking. You don't have to snap at me.
[take: EMILIA 5: Emilia thinks you're being aggressive.]

Then don't ask stupid questions.

Boone has never been the one for you. Your thoughts turn to 
   somebody else.

If only Bree had been waiting in the elevator for me...

-> go_boone_knit

It feels like you've been leading him on for years.

Leading him on? We broke up a long time ago.

I know, but you keep him hanging on.
* [give: OLIGARCH] (Neutral) We're just friends who flirt. And 
Hook up.
[take: EMILIA 5: Emilia doesn't like your attitude to Boone.]

It works for us and that's all you need to know.
* [give: MONARCH] (Neutral) I can't help it if he's still hung 
   up on me.
You let him think he still has a chance.
[take: EMILIA 5 : Emilia isn't impressed by your treatment of Boone.]

Maybe he does have a chance. I don't know.

* [give: TYRANT] (Bored) What I do with Boone is none of your business.
I was trying to give you some advice.
[take: EMILIA 5 : Emilia doesn't like your tone.]

When I want your advice, I'll ask for it.

-> go_boone_knit

There's a lot about my life you don't understand.

That's because you never tell me what's going on.

I still don't know why you left. You just disappeared.

You let out a sigh.

That's a conversation for another time.

Focus on the fact that I'm back. You're happy to see me, right?


The elevator falls into uncomfortable silence.

(fx: vfx_fade_black_transition -queue)
(location: APARTMENT_DAY, banner: APARTMENT_DAY)

Your family home is just as you remember it: elegant and impersonal.

Perched at the top of one of the city's most prestigious towers, 
   it's your very own palace...

...with one regrettable resident.

Wish me luck with her.


You hear the sound of heels on polished floor.

(enter: LYDIA)
Welcome home, {NAME}. Sorry I wasn't there to meet you at the 

You have a complicated relationship with your step-mother.
* <#act>Attempt to be nice. Maybe you two can start over.
It's no problem. I know how busy you are.

Remind me, what is it you do again? Other than hang around 
   the house.
[take: LYDIA 5 : Lydia isn't fooled by your friendly tone.]

* <#act>Don't even bother. At this point, the relationship is 
That's okay, Lydia. It was the perfect welcome back.

Just family.
[take: LYDIA 10 : Lydia expected nothing less from you.]

Are you two already slipping back into old habits? How about 
   a fresh start?

Emilia rolls her eyes. She's witnessed this a thousand times.

Don't worry, Em. This is just how your sister and I relate to 
   each other.

Or don't relate to each other. I forget which way around.

You roll your eyes.

You can save your happy tears for later, Lydia.

I'm going to go open my gift.

You mean the one from Boone?

I was surprised he stopped by, I thought he'd be at the 
   airport to meet you.

Did he have something more important to do than be there for you?

You steel your gaze, determined not to rise to her bait.

I'm not going to give you the satisfaction.

You try to leave the room alone, but Lydia follows after you.

(exit: EMILIA)
(exit: LYDIA)
(location: YOUR_BEDROOM, banner: YOUR_BEDROOM)

You cast your eye across your room. Everything looks just 
   the way you left it.

You don't feel the same, though. You haven't felt the same 
   for months.

Not since...

Time to stop dwelling on the past and open Boone's gift.

Lydia enters your bedroom, closing the door behind her.

(enter: LYDIA)
I'll bet it's a beautiful dress, as if you don't already 
   have enough of those.

You could wear it tonight, if you're sure you should go.

Why shouldn't I?

People will want to know where you've been... why you left...

What you've been doing all this time...
* [give: TYRANT] (Sly) Is this your not-so-subtle way of 
   prying into my life?
You might call it prying. Other people might call it concern.

* [give: MONARCH] (Smug) Of course they'll want to know that. 
   I'm a much talked-about subject.
No one talks about that subject as much as you yourself.

* [give: OLIGARCH] (Wonder) Are they the ones asking, or are you?
I know better than to ask you to explain yourself.

There's a flicker of something on Lydia's face. It looks a 
   little bit like regret.

You always assume the worst with me.

Wonder why that is...

Whatever you may think, I am glad you're back. And so is your dad.

You want to believe that, but actions speak louder than words.

If that's true, then why isn't he here to see me?

I don't have the answer to that.

But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that {SURNAME}s 
   show their love in mysterious ways.

Tell me about it...

As Lydia leaves the room, you turn back to your gift.

(exit: LYDIA)

You open the box.

Looks like Lydia was right.

You hold up the dress. It's a timeless shape, classic and 
   beautiful, and...

...totally not you.

Did Boone really pick this out for me? Is this how he sees me?

If this dress could speak it would say quiet and demure.

That's not your mother tongue.

{BLACKTEXT}Your decisions affect how the surrounding people 
   perceive you. You can endear yourself or alienate yourself 
   from others.

Should I wear Boone's dress tonight?
* <#act> Wear the dress. It's only polite.
(decide: DRESS boone)

It's not my personal style, but I'd look good in a paper bag.

A paper bag and a push up bra.

You decide to try the dress on.

* <#act> Wear your own dress. You know best.
(decide: DRESS me)

Boone means well, but I can't wear that dress for my big return.

I need to strike the right tone.

You place the dress back in the box.

You feel ready to take on tonight.

If things really have changed, you'll just have to change 
   them back.
* [else]
As good as you look, you feel a sense of unease about tonight.

You can't shake it off.


[set: YOU.look.current YOU.look.boonedress]
* [else]
[set: YOU.look.current YOU.look.owndress]

(fx: sfx_upbeat_02_theme -fin)
(fx: vfx_fade_black_transition -queue)
(location: BAR_NIGHT, banner: BAR_NIGHT)
(fx: sfx_bar_ambient -on)

That evening...

(enter: EMILIA)

You glance around the room. A feeling of nervousness is 
   growing in you.

The bar's high-end atmosphere is familiar to you. Its 
   clientele? Not so much.

I thought you said I'd know people here.

Who are all these people?

I told you the social scene had changed.

There's change and then there's total social lobotomy.

I thought people would be pleased to see me, but they don't 
   even know who I am.

(fx: sfx_phone_vibrate)

Your feel your cell phone vibrating in your purse.

You check the phone, but you already know who's trying to 
   reach you.

{SILVERY}Your past is calling - a certain someone you've 
   been doing your best to forget about!

What's wrong?


* [if: GIVE_SLANE]
If I ignore him for long enough, maybe he'll just go away...
* [else]
If I ignore her for long enough, maybe she'll just go away...

(fx: sfx_phone_vibrate)
No such luck. Your phone vibrates again, this time with an SMS.

Heard you're back in town. When can we meet?

In your dreams.
* [premium: unlock_ep_one_phone][cost: $gem 5] <#act> Keep 
   your phone on. You want to see they'll say next. -> go_premium_choice
* <#act> Switch your phone off. You're done with this. -> go_premium_knit


You wait for the next text to come through.

* [if: GIVE_SLANE] -> go_slane_premium
* [else] -> go_sloane_premium

(fx: sfx_suspense_stinger)

You tell yourself you're done with him, but you're never done.

After the things you did, you've tied yourself to him forever.

Forever in his debt.

It's not a social call. You owe me.

Unless you feel like showing me how much you missed me...

The sick thing is, there are parts of him you've missed. 
   But you aren't about to admit it.

You look at his message again. Reading between the lines, 
   it's clear he wants to see you again.

He's showed his hand.
[give: REIGN 2 : You've earned 2 Reign points! -result]

As you slide your phone away, you can't help feeling smug.

Whatever he may have on you, you've still got some power over him.
-> go_premium_knit

(fx: sfx_suspense_stinger)

You tell yourself you're done with her, but you're never done.

After the things you did, you've tied yourself to her forever.

Forever in her debt.

It's not a social call. You owe me.

Unless you feel like showing me how much you missed me...

The sick thing is, there are parts of her you've missed. 
   But you aren't about to admit it.

You look at her message again. Reading between the lines, 
   it's clear she wants to see you again.

She's showed her hand.
[give: REIGN 2 : You've earned 2 Reign points! -result]

As you slide your phone away, you can't help feeling smug.

Whatever she may have on you, you've still got some power over her.

-> go_premium_knit
Emilia eyes you with interest. She noticed your reaction to 
   your phone.

You've been home for five minutes and your phone's already 
   blowing up.

Must be nice.

What's nice about it?

You clear your throat, quick to change the subject.

I'm going to find Bree. I think I see her at the bar.

As you turn to go, Emilia grabs your arm. She pulls you back.

{NAME}? Before you do that...

What now?

Good luck with Bree. I think you'll need it.

What's that supposed to mean?

(exit: EMILIA)
(fx: sfx_moody_idle_theme -on)
(enter: JOURDAN, enter: BREE, enter: KINSLEY)

You spot your old friends standing at the bar.

The bar is loud with voices, but you catch a snippet of 
   their conversation.

{NAME} probably thinks we're all just sitting here waiting 
   for her return.

Right. Like none of us could ever have a life without her.

If I was her, I would have slunk back here with my tail 
   between my legs.

But she showed up tonight like she's royalty or something.

{NAME} thinks she is royalty. She's so delusional.

Excuse me?
* [premium: unlock_ep_one_dominate][cost: $gem 5] <#act> 
   Confront them. Assert your dominance! -> assert_dominance
* [cost: REIGN 2 : You ^asserted your dominance!] <#act> 
   Confront them. Assert your dominance! -> assert_dominance
* <#act> Ignore them and rise above it. -> no_dominance

It's great to hear you've all been living your lives without me.

<#icy> spending all your time talking about me.

They break apart in surprise. They clearly hadn't been 
   expecting you.


{NAME}. You're back.

So good to see you.

Oh? That's not what you said a moment ago.

I heard everything.
[give: REIGN 2 : You've earned 2 Reign points! -result]

Your former friends look guilty as hell.

Not so talkative now...

You focus your attention on Bree.

Can I borrow you for a minute? We need to talk.

-> dominance_knit


They break apart in surprise. You expect them to look guilty, 
   but they don't.


{NAME}. You're back.

So good to see you.

Your eyes narrow into a glare. They must know what you overheard.

Sorry to interrupt. You seemed so deep in conversation.

We're just getting started.

You resist the urge to fire back. You focus your attention 
   on Bree.

Can I borrow you for a minute? I was hoping we could talk.

-> dominance_knit


Not sure what there is to talk about.

After all this time, we'll figure it out.

Bree looks reluctant, but she follows you outside.

(fx: sfx_moody_idle_theme -fin)
(fx: sfx_bar_ambient -fin)
(exit: KINSLEY, exit: JOURDAN)
(fx: sfx_city_ambient -on)
(fx: vfx_fade_black_transition -queue)
(location: STREET_NIGHT)

The buzz of the city is a familiar backdrop. You feel at 
   home here.

You smile at Bree. However strained things have been, best 
   friends is forever. Right?

So, how are you?

What's new? What's been going on around here?

You talk, {NAME}.

I know how much you love the sound of your own voice.

Well, actually, I--

(fx: sfx_female_yawn)

Bree lifts her hand to her face and stifles a yawn.

Excuse me? Did you just yawn?

It happens when you're bored.

Am I boring you?

You are, actually.

(fx: sfx_search_theme -on)

You've entered your first showdown! Your opponent is hostile, 
   but they will signal what's bothering them.

{SILVERY}Use their signal to understand their emotions and 
{SILVERY}If you pay attention to their signals, you'll unlock 
   a ^secret about your opponent.
[set: SIGNAL.visual SHOW.all]

If you thought you could just pick me back up after you 
   dropped me...

Think again.
* [give: TYRANT] (Bored) Don't be dramatic. I didn't drop you.
You disappeared without saying a word!

I would have called, but I didn't want to drag you into it.

* [give: MONARCH] (Nervous) I had to leave. For personal reasons.
That's such a cheap excuse. I never heard a word from you!

I meant to get in touch, I just...

* [give: OLIGARCH] (Sad) I would never drop you. You're my 
   best friend.
Some best friend. I haven't heard from you in months!

I should have said something. I wanted to, but...

Bree rolls her eyes. It's clear she doesn't believe you.
[give: SIGNAL : Signal Identified -summary]

When you're putting your finger on the problem, Bree rolls 
   her eyes.
{SILVERY}Now that you've identified her signal, you can try 
   to diffuse the situation. Be careful - pushing too hard 
   can cause your opponent to storm off!
[set: STORM_OFF 0]

-> showdown_hub


* [if: STORM_OFF < 1] NARRATOR You focus on Bree. 
* [else] 

* [if: STORM_OFF >= 3] -> exit_hub * [else] -> NARRATOR You tell her... * [give: STORM_OFF] [limit: 1] <#act> How sorry you are. ->
sorry_branch * [give: STORM_OFF] [limit: 1] <#act> You regret leaving. ->
regret_branch * [give: STORM_OFF] [limit: 1] <#act> You don't like her tone.
-> tone_branch * [give: STORM_OFF] [limit: 1] <#act> You won't disappear again.
-> disappear_branch * [give: STORM_OFF] [limit: 1] You didn't have a choice. -> choice_branch 


You have to understand how sorry I am. 

Bree stares you down. Her expression closes up. 

I don't have to do anything. 
* (Nervous) It was a poor choice of words. 
    Yes, it was. 
* (Nervous) You could at least hear me out. 
    I'm doing that right now. 
* (Nervous) Stop shutting me down. I'm trying to talk this out. 
    Then say something worthwhile. 

-> showdown_hub 


    I regret leaving like that. I wouldn't do it the same way twice. 
    Bree looks unmoved. She shrugs at you. 
    If you cared about me, you wouldn't have even done it once. 
    You just wanted to cause a stir. 
    -> showdown_hub
    I don't like the tone you're taking with me. 
    Do you even care what happened to me? 
    Bree rolls her eyes. 
    [give: SIGNAL : You hit a nerve.] 
    (fx: vfx_pulse_flash) 
    (fx: sfx_alert_negative) 
    Nothing happened to you. You left for the drama, simple as that. 
    Everything you do is designed for the drama. 
    I'm not falling for your act. 
    -> showdown_hub 

    I'm not going to disappear again, if that's what you're worried about. 
    Bree rolls her eyes at you. 
    [give: SIGNAL : You hit a nerve.] 
    (fx: vfx_pulse_flash) 
    (fx: sfx_alert_negative) 
    I'm sure you'll do it again, when you next need attention. 
    That's what all of this is about. 
    -> showdown_hub 
    I know it sounds like an excuse, but I had to leave. 
    Bree rolls her eyes at you. 
    [give: SIGNAL : You hit a nerve.] 
    (fx: vfx_pulse_flash) 
    (fx: sfx_alert_negative) 
    You had to leave? What does that even mean? 
    * (Nervous) I can't explain any more than that. 
        I'm sorry. 
    * (Nervous) I got caught up in something. I needed a break. 
        That's all I can say. 
    * (Annoyed) It means you should stop asking me about it! 
        It's not easy to talk about. 
    You always act like you have so much mystery. 
    It sounds like the same old shit to me. 
    -> showdown_hub 

    * [if: SIGNAL >= 2] 
        She clearly doesn't believe I had a good reason for leaving. 
        She thinks I'm playing it up as a ploy to get attention. 
        [give: SIGNAL 0 : You got to the root of Bree's problem!] 
        (fx: sfx_shh) 
        [give: SECRET : Secret unlocked!-summary] 
        Bree has trust issues! She believes that others are deceptive, even
without evidence. 
    * [else] 
        She's mad that I left without telling her, that's all. 
        I'll try talking to her again after she's calmed down. 
        [give: SIGNAL 0 : You didn't get to the root of Bree's problem with
    {SILVERY}Bree's at her limit. She's about to storm off! 
    You shouldn't have come back, {NAME}. 
    Things have changed around here. There's a new social hierarchy. 
    What are you talking about? 
    We've moved on. You're not queen bee anymore. 
    (fx: sfx_search_theme -off) (fx: sfx_city_ambient -off) 
    (fx: sfx_powerful_stinger) 
    Your reign is over. 
    (fx: vfx_fade_black_transition -queue) 
    (location: BLACKOUT) 
    Will you reclaim the throne, or is your reign really over? Play the
next episode to find out! 


    (playstyle: END_TYRANT) 
    (playstyle: END_OLIGARCH) 
* [else] 
    (playstyle: END_MONARCH) 

Syntax Mapping


Here are some common questions Episode writers have asked us lately…


How do I find [this section] on the website? 

Use the search function at the top of the Scripting page! 

How do I set a default value for a variable? 

You want to set a health bar to 10, or give the player some gold to spend? Read about -loadout in the variables section!


Do you have timed choices?

Not yet! We’ll be adding this feature in the future. 

What about Avatar Customization?

While we cannot achieve the level of customization you see on Episode, players CAN choose their name using substitution, or choose an avatar from a limited set of options. Read the substitution guide to learn more! For now, you should remove all the avatar customization code from your script.

How can the player enter their name? 

Rather than allowing the player to type out a name, you can use text substitution to provide name options. Read more here

Episode to Tales Syntax

